
A Splendid Day in Hong Kong Disney

Disney's program is quite distinctive, hard to understand. Such as Space Mountain, friends said there are 360 ​​high-speed rotation, I was somewhat afraid, but not in a small shown in front of friends, so arranged relatively empty stomach, when to play, and will tell their children that yell a lot of fun. Fortunately, the two children are rushing to take a front row captain, I can, and Mr. sit together and feel a lot safer. Voyage began, I can not wait for the great general crazy roller coaster roaring noise, and no unexpected ups and downs, replaced by a smooth rotation, plus the back realistic view is the vast sky, the sun burning, etc. to forget the dizzy, to help with park photos as evidence. Children like a captain commanding, like a calm.

A lament with the surprise appearance. (Park to snap a photo every spacecraft are, 90-120 City Tour Hong Kong dollars one. Grassland friends can take their own camera remake)
The game is full of many other technology and culture, coupled with superior service quality (those who are old can play, as well as special care), people can not help went to line up
Disney spent a long time, it is necessary to replenish their energy. Disney, there are eight restaurants, all kinds of flavor and a la carte Chinese and Western fast food has. We chose the royal banquet hall, a spacious chef style performances, air conditioning, benches to meet the needs of children nap (but we are very excited, simply forgot to take a nap). Fast food varieties selected mushrooms chicken steamed rice, soup, rice is pretty fresh vegetables, even made a mellow jasmine tea bag, the price is 40HK $, than the price of your local fast food in Hong Kong is not much.

For more information, please shift to Best China Tour.


Travel China: Xiangshan Tour

August 16-17, Xiangshan County, the county tourism authorities set up two travel bureaus, 10 Salesroom for a two-day special inspection. Regulate business activities of the branch, strengthen supervision and inspection, is to maintain good order in the tourism market an important means to improve the quality of the tourism industry is important.
The inspection focused travel agency branches around the "business license", "registration certificate", "commission to attract power of attorney", "the agency to attract business registration certificate" and "principal-agent contract" are complete, tourist promotional materials, Tour price is standard, with or without range management and tourism contract situation. It also includes business services, workplace environment, the reception staff image and so on.
Inspection process, will contain, zero or negative fare cheap travel agency to reverse the mode of operation, to strengthen supervision and inspection of tourism advertising and illegal enterprises, personnel punished. Beyond the scope of business activities to crack down on failure to record the travel time required for branches to punish banned. Stop the induction, coercion or coercion consumption, concentrate against breach of contract and damage rights and interests of tourists. The examination found no travel bureaus, service outlets are in clear violation of relevant laws and regulations of the act.
Finally, a clear emphasis on the county branches of the travel agencies to strictly implement the travel regulations, adhere to the law honest business, to limit the rectification of problems, gradually standardized. To strengthen the branch management, in accordance with the "four unity" requirements to regulate travel agents offices operations management, including the establishment of the "four unity" system, that branch according to personnel, finance, attract, reception unity; service network according to management, finance, attract and consulting unity. Meanwhile, the standard store signs, flyers, business cards and travel on the name of the signing of the contract, and consciously safeguard the tourism market order, and gradually improve quality of tourism services.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: China Fishing Day Tour

The 14th China Fishing Festival will be held September 8 to 22 at 2011 economic summit in China National Offshore Fishing Festival as the most important of the main activities will be held September 15-16 at the Shipu held.

August 12 afternoon, the 14th China Fishing Festival and the 2011 Summit Organizing Committee of China's marine economy plenary session, Xiangshan County deputy secretary of the county Ye Jianming said, to seize the Zhejiang Ocean up to the national strategy of economic benefit opportunity to focus on "implementation of the maritime strategy, create a blue civilization" theme, this section will show the Xiangshan Peninsula accomplishing a charm style and marine features, Xiangshan people's good spirit and hospitality and cultural characteristics of the event.
Briefed the meeting on the 14th China Fishing Festival and the 2011 summit, China's marine economy overall program of activities and preliminary preparatory work. By then, the Fishing Festival also arranged for the young sea-protection actions, Xiangshan • Taitung exchanges and cooperation forums, cultural performances and other people nearly 20 of the main and supporting activities. Currently, the Fishing Festival and Summit, the basic framework to determine the overall activities, the preparatory work is solid and orderly manner.
Fishing Festival held in China will help improve the visibility of Xiangshan, promote open development and promote the folk culture, cohesion development efforts. Held for 13 sessions of China Xiangshan Fishing Festival has become a beautiful business card, people's festival. 2011 China Marine China Marine Economic Summit is the first major economic investment conference activities, is to demonstrate the economic development of Zhejiang Ocean demonstration area of ​​achievement, innovation and culture of marine science and education system, promote the development of marine economy across an important platform.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Thousands Islets Lake Promotes in Internet

It is understood that this revision, from the columns, content, function and mode of operation and other aspects of innovation, from the tourist attractions web site to the successful transformation of tourist destinations. With travel demand, the new self-drive self-service, business meetings and other one part, add a personal trip circuit design capabilities, highlighting Lake leisure, car riding and other aspects of the rich tourism resources.

The next stage of goal, the website will focus for the integration of tourism resources and the improvement of e-commerce functionality to achieve scenic spots, hotels, restaurants, lines, music and other farm products online booking, online payment and SMS alerts to support, to meet different tourists needs. Lake tourism guide tourism enterprises rely on sub-network platform construction sites, timely release of new trends, new products, new activities, the formation of healthy competition among enterprises, promote the tourism business e-commerce process. Meanwhile, start the phone WAP site-building, research APP application development, speed up to create a set of traditional Internet and mobile Internet in one, covering the Zhejiang-Jiangxi and Anhui famous scenic spots around the base of the pan-destination site.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Thousands Islets Fashion Tour

Recently, Chun off the main park-cum-Fair Festival Silk Silk Festival officially released ten leisure experience, recommended routes.According to the Leisure Expo Park-cum-Chun Silk Festival main responsible person, ten lines are recommended, "Lake is about, meet with the stars" tour, with the water kissing leisure travelers, "the most beautiful Lake River bride "tour candidates, Lake hot air balloon sightseeing tour, Lake Tour organic fish culture experience, economic and cultural enjoying Silk Festival tour, Festival Silk images photography tours, study tours Lake international Conference and Exhibition, Lake Square Music carnival Tour, Central Lake bike riding trip. New Line released the top ten leisure experience, and this corresponds to a section of the ten festivals Silk.
Among them, the "most beautiful bride Lake River" tour and water candidates kiss leisure trip in addition to experience, there is a chance to win prizes, especially applied to join the "Lake River's most beautiful bride", a chance to get luxury wedding photography package, five-star hotel rooms, travel tickets, etc. Lake, the final grand prize winner can be iPhone4, iPad2 fashionable digital products. And as Lake air balloon sightseeing tour is based on the Lake for the first time organized by the International Balloon Fiesta, which is a major international air sports event, the top international and domestic flight hot air balloon pilots master the same stage, the opening air show , star parachute performance, flight course race, the public experience of flight, air romantic wedding, hot air balloon lights sHOW and so on.
In addition, the image on the Silk Festival photography trip photography enthusiasts, but also a rare opportunity for folk songs, reflect the Organizing Committee Secretariat will collect Silk Festival of photography, and focus on selection and display. At the same time, October to November, Lake Square Music Festival will be re-launched, every Friday and Saturday nights, visitors and residents in the lake, feel free rock, folk, pop music, audio-visual experience brings.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Yunnan Promotes Tourism in Italy

August 1, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau and the Italian "CINA" magazine co-published album started Yunnan Tourism OTC sales in Italy to Italian Colorful Yunnan has opened a mystery. 100 pages of the album, describes the full range of rich tourism resources of Yunnan and related information, Yunnan travel first full show in the Western developed countries, the professional media.

According to the publishers introduction, the magazine published in the album before the advertising, booking required number of letters from readers, with good results. Magazine was published, to the Chinese embassy in Italy, China Tourism Office in Rome, Italy, Italy and other Chinese institutions, and some well-known hotels, tourist information center presented the album, very popular. Currently, publishers are working with the Italian airline Air China and consultation intends to magazines devoted to flight from China and Italy, for reference by the passengers to read. In another, the album also led to the publication never been to the publishers of Yunnan Yunnan tourism interest, they will send delegations to participate in October 2011 held in Kunming, Yunnan China International Tourism Fair and tourism resources for field trips .For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: 2011 Hefei Safe Tours

Into May, the nation's more than tourism spate of security incidents, yesterday, Hefei Hefei Tourism Emergency major tourism enterprises forwarded to the National Tourism Administration "on the summer tour to further strengthen security work of the emergency notice" of travel, scenic and star, respectively, the different requirements.
Among them, the Hefei travel requires timely to remind all visitors to purchase travel accident insurance; avoid lightning, heavy rain, flash floods and other inclement weather, group travel; tourist vehicles must sign a "contract travel agency travel team car", the vehicle must pass annual examination, testing qualified and meet the safety requirements, must have a valid operating license qualification and tourist routes, the driver must have the appropriate qualifications for posts.

Area, the requirements of purple mt, Daishan Lake and other tourist attractions in the storms, stop tourists travel. Boats, water and other water-related recreational activities to do tourists travel safety tips and education; be equipped with adequate lifesaving equipment and rescue personnel; to strengthen the inspection and maintenance of area facilities, emphasis on training of practitioners and emergency drills.

Requirements of any inspection of fire-star hotel fire hazards, the ability to master the fighting since the beginning of the fire escape and evacuation of personnel the ability to ensure that complete fire facilities, fire exits unobstructed. At the same time to comply with food hygiene standards, the implementation of food hygiene system, strict customs of raw materials, disinfection, and customs "with the mouth closed" to ensure that guests stay healthy.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Ningbo Children's Tour

The second province, Ningbo's first children's museum and the workplace - Temple castle soft opening, planned for this August 6 test run.

Temple castle located in the national 4A grade tourism area Yinzhou Temple Manor, an area of ​​10,000 square meters, total investment of 80 million, can accommodate 1,500 people play. There are more than 50 museum and there are firefighters, nurses, police officers, models, doctors, television anchors, photographers and bakers and other 70 kinds of professional experience for the children they work through the experience to earn a reward, with access to compensation in the museum and shopping, entertainment, etc., is to experience joy in life, the accumulation of life experiences, entertaining and "Kids."
Children's professional experience, business models originated in Scandinavia, in a subject in school education began in 2007 the rise in China's mainland.

It is understood that the Tanabata festival, a traditional festival as Dongtou, tradition has lasted for 300 years, has never stopped between the impact is very wide. In 2009, Dongtou the Tanabata festival also included in the adult non-material cultural heritage, Zhejiang Province.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Hefei Welcomes Hong Kong Visitors

Yesterday afternoon, the leader of the Taiwan Tourism Association 52 Taiwanese travel agencies and more than a dozen on Hong Kong travel agency personnel, traveling on Hong Kong Express Airways in Hong Kong - the maiden voyage of the aircraft arrived in Hefei, Hefei. Last night, reporters from Hefei Tourism Bureau was informed at a reception at the reception, under the agreement, the Hong Kong and Taiwan will organize a traveling salesman more than 200 weekly visitors to Hong Kong and Taiwan participated in Hefei, Huangshan 5-Day Tour.

It is understood that the fat of the Hong Kong and Taiwan to travel professionals and travel together in Anhui and Hong Kong Express Airways has signed an agreement, from next Wednesday onwards, every Wednesday and Sunday in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Express Airways to fly to Hefei the flight over Hong Kong and Taiwan tourists to participate in the organization Hefei Huangshan 5-Day Tour.

"Generally speaking, if each flight to 80 guests plus the 50 Hong Kong, Taiwan visitors a week two flights, this means that Hong Kong Express Airlines to open flights from Hong Kong to Hefei in Hefei will bring 200 per week tourists than Hong Kong and Taiwan, they at least one night in Hefei, Hefei to be active in the tourism market access. "Municipal Bureau of Tourism market Development Department is responsible for the case to the reporter introduced.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Ningbo Shopping Festival....

29. Juli abends, Ningbo Tianyi Square, einer tollen und stilvollen Ozean. Ningbo Shopping Festival im Jahr 2011 alle freuen uns auf die spannende Öffnung.

"Oriental Handelshafen, der weltweit Trend der Konvergenz" als Thema Ningbo Shopping Festival ist die größte Stadt Ningbo, dem größten Bereich, mit dem größten Einkaufs-, Freizeit-, Lebensmittel-und Tourismus-Ereignis. Mit der Shopping-Umgebung der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung und die Einführung von bekannten Marken, für fünf Ningbo Shopping Festival stattgefunden haben, haben einen größeren Einfluss nach und nach eine umfassende städtische Verbraucher einer Marke, ein Strahlung Kraft, um die regionale Kultur zu verbessern und zu pflegen neues Wirtschaftswachstum Punkt in der Stadt gebildet .
10-Tage-Shopping-Festival in "brand führen das Leben", "life-changing Weisheit", "Kultur ist im Leben verwurzelt" und ist eingeteilt "Verbesserung der Verbraucherinformation Leben", die vier Themen-Serie, mehr als 50 Einzelveranstaltungen werden nacheinander angezeigt werden. Ningbo kommende Fashion Week, Frankreich das zweitgrößte Einkaufszentrum Höhepunkte des Festivals war, zusätzlich zu Vor-Ort-Essen und Weinprobe in Frankreich, kann die Öffentlichkeit auch im Französisch Tourismus, Bildung, kulturelle Vorträge, einen genaueren Blick auf die Französisch romantischen Stil zu beteiligen.
Zur Erhöhung der Beteiligung der Bewohner und Besucher, dieses Shopping-Bereich setzt auch die einflussreichsten Marken-Award, mit dem Gold Award, Creative Award Atmosphäre dekoriert drei Auszeichnungen, die Öffentlichkeit durch Zeitungen, Internet, SMS, etc. zu wählen.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Green Avenues Tours of China Zhejiang

This year, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, Wuyi, Tonglu Green Road and other places have also launched programs to urban greening as a key project of urban construction task, not only the integration of ecological and cultural tourism resources, more in line with the concept of low-carbon eco-environmental protection. Green Road construction has become Zhejiang promote regional integration of green infrastructure in new ways.

Jiaxing City in Green Road, Green network planning and construction of 12 main roads with a total length of 548 km, will be "a major six" cities (towns) and 35 new towns all linked together. 12 "green corridor" are selected in the water next to the building, reflecting the "water clock to green for the soul to town for the body to culture as core" planning concept. Green Road along every 20-30 km to set up a service area, to create a user-friendly casual environment, and various forms of transport to achieve seamless. Urban residents as long as 5 minutes you can reach the nearest urban greenway.
Tonglu planning in the total length of 67.95 km on both sides of the Fuchun River Green Road to Green Road into a new green tourism landscape.

Wuyi County, to create a "back garden of the Yangtze River Delta" and "eco-leisure town", the construction of bicycle greenway network, enhance the local tourism infrastructure as an important way to plan in three years, invested 60 million yuan into total length of 120 km bicycle greenway network. Depending on the location and function of different objectives, in order to slow traffic and improve greenways identification system, emergency rescue system and other facilities, focusing on strengthening the greenway network interface with the public transport network, improve the transfer system, convenient for visitors and residents travel.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Zhejiang Green Avenues Tour

This year, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, Wuyi, Tonglu Green Road and other places have also launched programs to urban greening as a key project of urban construction task, not only the integration of ecological and cultural tourism resources, more in line with the concept of low-carbon eco-environmental protection. Green Road construction has become Zhejiang promote regional integration of green infrastructure in new ways.

Jiaxing City in Green Road, Green network planning and construction of 12 main roads with a total length of 548 km, will be "a major six" cities (towns) and 35 new towns all linked together. 12 "green corridor" are selected in the water next to the building, reflecting the "water clock to green for the soul to town for the body to culture as core" planning concept. Green Road along every 20-30 km to set up a service area, to create a user-friendly casual environment, and various forms of transport to achieve seamless. Urban residents as long as 5 minutes you can reach the nearest urban greenway.
Tonglu planning in the total length of 67.95 km on both sides of the Fuchun River Green Road to Green Road into a new green tourism landscape.

Wuyi County, to create a "back garden of the Yangtze River Delta" and "eco-leisure town", the construction of bicycle greenway network, enhance the local tourism infrastructure as an important way to plan in three years, invested 60 million yuan into total length of 120 km bicycle greenway network. Depending on the location and function of different objectives, in order to slow traffic and improve greenways identification system, emergency rescue system and other facilities, focusing on strengthening the greenway network interface with the public transport network, improve the transfer system, convenient for visitors and residents travel.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Stone Tours

Recently, the Association of ornamental stones from Beijing, China came the good news, Longyou was awarded the "Hometown of Chinese ornamental stones," as the country was selected as one of the seven declared, but also following the Xinchang, Zhejiang Province, after the first Changshan award of three counties. So far, the country has 30 "Chinese ornamental stones of the town."

Longyou since October 2010, began to "Chinese ornamental stones," and the declaration of work, in November 2011 was successfully held in China? Longyou Huanglong Stones Culture Expo, radiation of a wide range of economic and social effects. County the stone into the tourism and cultural industries, "second pioneering" in the background to the training, adhere to the scientific planning and rational a clear positioning, attention investment, and strengthen marketing, focusing on industrial integration, highlighting the "culture" ideas for declare the work of laying a solid foundation.

"Chinese ornamental stones," and the declaration of success, the following points Longyou economic development significance. First, the brand highlights. Longyou was selected as "hometown of Chinese ornamental stones," affirmed the Huanglong Longyou position in Jinqu basin, forming a well-deserved brand. Second, the integration of scarce resources. With the declaration of success, the government and the community recognition and attention, Longyou of yellow stone and petrified wood and other scarce resources can be more scientific and rational planning to protect and establish sustainable development system. Third, strengthen the cultural industry chain. Stones for the cultural industry to build Longyou a broader platform for the development, and strive to create into a set of processing, exhibition, cultural integration of high, medium and low combined market Longyou Huanglong, the formation of the exhibition, transaction and event integration cultural industry chain. Fourth, to promote tourism "secondary" business. Relying on the rocks in the culture and rich tourism resources, packaging, tourism projects, cultural activities through the organization of Stones, will combine all kinds of tourism resources and promote the county's rapid economic development.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tour 2011 Zhejiang Tourism

To sum up the first half of the province's tourism industry results, to deploy the second half of the work, July 21 to 22, the Zhejiang provincial tourism travel system held a work conference. At the meeting, municipal Tourism Bureau (Commission) Secretary (Director) were reported during the first half of this year's travel around the work and ideas presented in the second half of the work and arrangements proposed objectives.
The first half of this year, the province received inbound tourists 3,515,200 passengers, an increase of 14.01%; 166 million domestic tourists, passengers, an increase of 17.73%; of tourism foreign exchange earnings $ 2.179 billion, an increase of 17.12%; domestic tourism revenue $ 174 billion , an increase of 22.11%. The indicators are basically "more than half the time, more than half of the task", the red tourism, "5.19" on the establishment of China's tourism, West Lake World Heritage List and other major achievement is even more significant, far-reaching.
Zhao Jinyong tourism, said the province was fully affirmed. And made three points: First, tourism development to achieve new results. Red Tourism is booming, the province declared a "5.19" China Tourism Day by the State Council discussed and adopted the proposal, West Lake World Heritage List, the world's cultural heritage of our province to achieve a breakthrough. Second, focus work to achieve a breakthrough. Launched a comprehensive reform of tourism projects, tourism projects to accelerate the construction of a comprehensive, constantly expanding tourism market influence, steadily improve the quality of tourism development. Third, tourism created a new situation. Has been fully affirmed by leaders at all levels, the height of the tourism industry recognized the community's attention.
Zhao Jinyong tourism work for the second half of the required six priorities: 1, Taiwan tourism, tourist arrivals to Taiwan to compete throughout the year to 22 million and ensure that the number of tourists went to Tainan to 10 million. 2, tourism marketing, tourism as a whole in the CCTV image, Zhejiang launched publicity. 3, Tourism comprehensive reform, focusing on promoting the "1 +6" Tourism comprehensive reform. 4, tourism investment work, good job big area, big projects, big platform. 5, taken seriously, and timely corrective visitor satisfaction survey. 6, to enhance tourism statistics, scientific and authoritative.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Fuzhou Nanhou Street Dong's Former Residence Opens to the Public

2011 is the "Mindu do not mind," first published 100 years, this book trimmer, engraved version of the famous Dong Zhi-Yi's former residence, 22 am hung up two plaques, one is the "Dong Zhi-Yi's former residence," one is "Zhen Ji Ju . "Dong Zhi-Yi's former residence is located in the northern section of Back Street, south of Fuzhou, Fuzhou, which is a China tours, typical residential areas. From the front passing tourists will see a "engraved book" sculptures. This residential area of ​​more than 1400 square meters, yet full order, including Dong's descendants still live. Still keep within the pond, Americans rely on, sweet-scented osmanthus trees a hundred years a small scene, very chic.

"A lot of tourists to see the book carved sculpture, will forward a photo, but I do not know the above figure is Dong Zhi-Yi." Dong Dong Rong said future generations. 22, the public can visit free of charge Dong Zhi-Yi's former residence.Dong Zhi-Yi, the word algae Xiang, No. lotus roots lay, his father Daoxing Dong, Qing lifts, Taiwan Tamsui former students learn didactic. East Province, Fuzhou edge of the Zhengyi College Children's Library, now under renovation, now has the appearance of white paint  China tour on the brush, with a black wall, is very conspicuous. "Fuzhou four College gradually restored as an old Fuzhou, very happy." Citizens chai said. Fuzhou cultural and historical researcher, said Qi-Zhi, Zhengyi College was formerly known as Fujian and Zhejiang Governor General Tso in the five-year-wen Huang Lane in the creation of "Zhengyi bookstore." Later, Yang Qing court to accept deep, Shen Pao-chen, buy the homes Luo Fuzhou shop (now East Street opposite the Strait of Studios, the Provincial Library site) College houses converted to nine-wen, the college completed. It is understood that the College out of the many celebrities, including Billy leaves large, Lin Shu, Chen Baochen. Fuzhou city of the province of College had four, respectively Aofong, Fung Chi, Zhengyi, Zhiyong, collectively known as "Qing four College."For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tour: Hangzhou Creative Tour

Recently, the 2011 National Collegiate tourism Raiders Competition for creative students in the national university, issued a "600 yuan to Fun Hangzhou," the invitation. The event is the 2011 Tourism Festival in Hangzhou, China, college students a major event, so students only 600 yuan China tours budget planning arrangements for their arrival in Hangzhou 2 nights 3 days after stroke, in order to write Deals, uploaded to the activities of special . Competition will eventually travel up to professional judges and candidates in the initial evaluation of 50 creative Raiders, the selected 33 best ideas Raiders, to give players rewards at the same time, the Raiders to promote.
A travel industry veteran manager said, there are many regular attractions in Hangzhou, but if you have ideas, you can not be confined to the traditional China tour classical area, through their own experience and discovery, to find other elements belonging to the charm of Hangzhou. Such as museums, galleries, music and other farmers. The students travel through the organization of creative Raiders competition for tourist trips in Hangzhou provide innovative elements, but also a breakthrough for the future of traditional travel agencies, Hangzhou tour travel the way, step by step towards FIT travel times provides a try.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: East Jiangsu Airport

Very pleased to tell you that the province has agreed to the airport in the eastern Jiangxi Shangrao territory location. "Deputy Mayor Zhu Ronghui Shangrao recently announced to the public. Official told reporters that this marks a period of nearly a year of Gan airport east end of the pre-site, and Yingtan is basically eliminated. Last April, the official launch of Jiangxi Province, Ganzhou Airport East preliminary China tours site work, according to location, the airport will be radiation Yingtan, Shangrao and parts of Fuzhou City, Jiangxi, East Region to promote economic, industrial layout, regional tourism and urban development. As close to Fuzhou, Nanchang, Jiangxi East so the preliminary development of the airport site in Yingtan or Shangrao City in the two cities have raised a number of pre-selected sites, in less than a year's time, the experts nearly 10 times to conduct site visits Jiangxi . Relevant departments told reporters, is to determine the Shangrao experts in the assessment of the various pre-selected points, and the composite indicator to compare the two cities, the report set the Jiangxi Provincial Government.

Shangrao are told reporters, after the end of the pre-site, Jiangxi, East airports will enter the formal site selection phase, in accordance with the requirements of  China tour Shangrao need to submit three to four selected points, there are two points Yanshan County and Shangrao, the city had also reported the address as a candidate Yushan County, but near the Quzhou, Zhejiang and other factors to be rejected.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

China Tours: Sichuan After-shock Tour

In the "5.12" third anniversary, the Central Command has completed memorial garden, three Shui aerial platform, the road embankment and the next card, visit the memorial center point of reception facilities project, the new settings of the old county earthquake China tours damage traffic vehicle display area and the Wei Ravine One dam parking lot, updated finishing the victims memorial cemetery signs, improve the image of the earthquake site. Command is still old town of Beichuan installation of perimeter security fence has 5400 meters, mark the channel in both sides of the safety barriers installed in 5230 m, laid the monitoring system, the completion of the core region 14 15 earthquake damaged the building emergency support reinforcement.

It is understood that the national red list of tourist attractions classic work by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Central Propaganda Department, Ministry of Finance, National Tourism Administration and other departments to identify lead selection. The total China tour of 127 tourist scenic spots selected for the national red list of second batch of the classic attractions, including Sichuan, 4.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: China Wenzhou Tours

July 15, Wenzhou City, commemorating 700 anniversary of the birth of Liu Ji, one of the main series of events - the Fourth China-based cultural and ecological tourism Liu Festival Opening Ceremony commemorating 700 anniversary of the birth of Liu Ji, a large art show held in China tours Wencheng. Provincial Tourism Bureau Deputy Director Xu Peng, Yang Qiu, Vice Mayor Jun, Vice Chairman of higher education City Hall, Municipal Tourism Bureau Zhang Chunjie attended the opening ceremony.

As the hometown of Liu Ji, Yuan and Ming Wencheng are politician, military strategist, thinker and writer Liu Ji's posthumous name. In the Wen Cheng, Ming dynasty, Liu Ji, dean of China's media organizations are all well-known ultra-Zhao Xiang Xian, the county has 100,000 overseas Chinese living in 55 countries and regions. Wen Cheng is also the national ecological demonstration zones, with Baizhangji • Feiyunhu national 4A level scenic areas, bells Mountain National Forest Park in Class 4A, the tomb of Liu Ji temple and a number of national cultural protection unit "GuoZiHao" tourist attractions.

Wenzhou Municipal Committee Zhuxian Liang attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. He said that in ancient Wenzhou Xiang Xian, Liu base of "Lide, meritorious service, Liyan," the San Buxiu great man was later eulogized today. Liu-based culture has a long history, profound culture is China tour Ouyue a bright pearl, but also cultural and even China's Zhejiang Province is an important part of culture. This section will showcase the city in recent years, mining and development of culture-based Liu fruitful results to show the people of the city's new style and spirit of the times, both Liu Ji Wenzhou promote culture and promote cultural development of a major event, but also create cultural city, promote tourism economic development next event.
In the hometown of Liu-based tourism promotion conference, Wencheng to Fuzhou, Taizhou, Ningbo and other places of tourism resources and promote the county's tour fine lines, and signed with the local travel agencies to send each source cooperation. The tourism festival, the county will hold a "Liu-based hometown roots tour" event, Liu Ji, an identification card to the county all the descendants of scenic tourism and enjoy discount tickets and a half.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Yandang Mountain

Recently, the East Gate entrance to the Lion Rock Yandang Scenic Area, added a new one "world Qixiu" Cliff Inscription.
Cliff is drawn from the famous scientist Shen Kuo, "Meng Xi Bi Tan • shan" the first sentence of the article "Qixiu Yandang world" in "the world Qixiu" words, plus the China tours right side of the world carved Yandang geology, national scenic areas, three national 5A tourist map emblem. "There Qixiu" Department of the late Cliff "altar book dean" Mr. Sha Menghai books during his lifetime, character height is 250 cm, running, cross from right to left writing. Following the scenic Cliff University Yandang main monument, "shan" gate couplet, long-defense "Jing Lu", the fourth for the content of fine sand and old calligraphy Cliff Inscription. Once again achieve the mountains and famous for a perfect fit.

Sha Menghai (1900-1992), China's contemporary book world giant, a pioneer of modern higher education in one of calligraphy. Former president Xilingyinshe, Xiling Academy of China tour Painting and Calligraphy, Chinese Calligraphers Association, vice chairman and other staff. Good at all the body, the book list by the characters, forceful energetic, magnificent, called Masterpieces rare. Mr. Sha Menghai very much like Hill, leaving pieces of work.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: West Lake Monitoring Center

July 13, Hangzhou World Heritage Monitoring and Management Centre opening ceremony was held at the West Lake Museum. State Bureau of Cultural Relics Shan Xiang, Provincial Committee and Party Secretary Huang Kunming Lake of common cultural heritage for the monitoring and management China tours, center opening. Wang Guoping, director of Municipal People's Congress, Deputy Director of Provincial Department of Culture, the Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics Bao Xianlun attended, Vice Mayor Zhang Jianting in the opening ceremony.
Huang Kunming, said West Lake in Hangzhou will be the monitoring and management of World Heritage Center was established as an opportunity to do more solid work of heritage preservation in Hangzhou, West Lake, especially in the well protected at the same time, push forward the work of inscription Liangzhu canal and, more good to build this beautiful city Hangzhou.
Shan Xiang of Hangzhou set up the "West World Heritage monitoring center" very much appreciated. He said the World Heritage Convention has just ended, Hangzhou World Heritage monitoring and management center then listed. World Heritage in West moment of excitement, a cooling-off its sustainable protection and development of Hangzhou, the world set a good example. Lake inscription of 10 years, Hangzhou is China tour ideal for the culture's insistence. Hangzhou proved to the world of urban development and cultural heritage can be harmonious with the Department. In the present state of urban construction in a "1000 City side" when the Hangzhou cultural heritage, cultural characteristics, more and more clear. He looked forward to more cultural creation in Hangzhou.
Hangzhou World Heritage Centre's institutional monitoring and management main responsibilities are: responsible for the protection and management of World Heritage Lake; co-ordinate and guide the cultural landscape heritage lake monitoring; enhance legacy of relevant training, guidance and collection of archives management; responsible for domestic-related institutions, organizations, liaison and coordination work; time to submit to the World Heritage Centre Heritage monitoring report; World Heritage Centre with the relevant departments to complete the review of Heritage work. The agency will also establish early-warning monitoring West World Heritage management information platforms and real-time monitoring and management information platform, a legacy of the archives and databases, through the Heritage Area related data information collection, analysis and research, propose relevant management responses.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tour: Summer Water Cruise Tour

Summer travel season, the last few days of hot weather, so unbearably hot, people have chosen to "cool line" summer. Learned yesterday from the city's travel agencies, summer tourism market across the board have dinner, the main seaside summer, surf rafting, family travel, summer camps and study tours and red lines, classic lines, especially the mountains and the water is heated summer resort China tours holding, many people are ready to go cool down. To remind the public, hot weather to go traveling, be sure to do the sun, sunstroke and other preparations.
With the arrival of summer, many people began to plan the season's "cool" type of tourist routes. Boarded the boat down the river, surfing down the rapids sometimes met, sometimes as a mirror into the water, drifting to bring people to experience the thrills, excitement and fun. Yesterday, visited the city after a number of travel agents learned, from mid-June, have announced the most scenic rafting "on float", according to several travel agencies personnel, with the purpose of the arrival of the scorching summer, rafting is very popular as the gradual warming of tourism projects have become the summer heat extracting a good choice. It is understood that due to the scenic spot ticket prices and other factors, making the current prices of some drifting line up with the same period last year twenty or thirty dollars, or in about one percent.
With tourism as a way of life, people began to more rational way to choose their own travel and vacation. In the interview, revealing the many people summer summer travel intentions, mostly to the coastal city or landscape tour. In addition to college students and office workers, the tour is a three family responsibility and become the main tourism. Lee said the oil field workers, he and his wife recently had a good discussion, plans to choose this year's paid leave in late July, when the kids summer vacation, go to the beach or a relatively cool summer in much love to Wanji Tian , to relax mood.
However, travel safety is the key to public travel. To remind the public, hot weather travel, supplies ready sunscreen heatstroke is very important to ensure that China tour tourism can bring to better enjoy the happiness. Industry to remind visitors: Some issues need to pay attention to participate in drifting, drifting easily as water splashes, it is best to prepare before the clothes and shoes to prepare for replacement. At the same time, drifting as far as possible not to bring cash and valuables on board, in order to avoid unexpected losses. Remind the old and young, as well as drink, empty venomous snake are advised not to participate in such activities. In addition, visitors to read before drifting boat notes, listen to the arrangements for staff, put on life jackets.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Yunnan Tourism Development Forum

July 7 - 11, the Second Board of the State Council General Office of the Secretary, Deputy Inspector rate your music jade National Development and Reform Commission, China National Tourism China tours Administration six-member delegation to the province research "on accelerating the development of tourism" (State ﹝ 2009 ﹞ 41 documents) the implementation of the case.
Vice Governor Wang met with his research group is full. Provincial Deputy Secretary-General hosted the economic construction Xie Zhejiang tourism briefing, the provincial Development and Reform Commission, Provincial Tourism Bureau, Tourism College of Zhejiang, Hangzhou Municipal Government, Hangzhou Tourism Committee, Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Zone, Hangzhou Jiang national Resort District, provincial Tourism Group, the Hangzhou Tourism Group, the Song Dynasty Group Limited, New Century Tourism Group, provinces CYTS has been reported.
His research group at the provincial and Tourism Fang Jinghua, deputy director of the Office of Development and Reform Commission, accompanied by other departments, has visited Anji County, Chun'an, Hangzhou and Ningbo, to hold seminars, visits to farmers, tourism resorts, travel agencies, tourist associations, questionnaires and other forms of payment, a comprehensive understanding of the province to implement the State Council "opinions" situation.
His research group fully affirmed the province to implement the State Council "opinion" work, in particular, pointed out: First, the Government attaches great importance to the introduction of a special "further accelerate the development of tourism on the implementation of views" to China tour implement relevant policies to support, started a tourism comprehensive reform; Second, focus on innovation, especially in the tourist integration, operation and management, market-oriented aspects of a series of exploration and practice; third is to promote industrial integration, in close connection with the new rural construction, combined with the industry to upgrade to achieve product development from the traditional holiday leisure tourism to the change; four is to create a good development environment, development and reform, environmental protection of the atmosphere to support the growing tourism strong. And grass-roots response to the proposal that would bring back.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Sichuan Skiing Tour

The weekend, the province started winter tourism peak appears. Yesterday (14) days, according to the major attractions in Chengdu, travel feedback China tours sources, the public is very much short-term travel, travel destination, travel and snow can be divided into two major categories of spa travel.
Xiling Snow Mountain Scenic person in charge, the two weekends after New Year's Day, ushered in the area are about 6,000 visitors, different from the past, this year from outside the province, foreign tourists increased significantly, up 5 percent over last year.
Last weekend two days, Xiling Snow Mountain cableway at the gate has a continuous traffic of tourists come to the same time from Chengdu, Chongqing and other places for private cars, as well as a large coach carrying foreign tourists, will be another parking area gate filled.
Huashuiwan relevant, China tour parties in a hotel last weekend, although less tourists compared to the New Year period, but almost lived in the hotel room, in addition, the hotel also received hundreds of daily hot springs not only the tourists stay. Yufu States, Chongzhou text Jinjiang Hot Spring area is so crowded.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Grand Canal Applies for World Heritage

Lake inscription, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has also been put on the agenda for the 2014 nomination, but as a extension of the Grand Canal's eastern Zhejiang Ningbo section of the canal, this heritage has three points (Yongfeng library sites, Qing'an China tours Hall, the water is monument) finalists.
Eastern Zhejiang Canal Ningbo section: to build the southern end of Hohai door intermodal
Ningbo section of Hangzhou-Ningbo Canal, starting from the crossing settled, Yuyao Shun Yu Yao River from top to bottom through the pump waves, Ningbo Yao River locks, Sanjiangkou, limited Yongjiang mouth.
"In fact, the history section of Ningbo, Hangzhou section of more than a long, and more content." Ningbo famous ancient cultural relics protection expert, said Yang, a child only know that the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, as early as 7,000 years ago Hemudu era, the prototype of Ningbo section of aorta has emerged.
To the country of Vietnam to open up the center of the capital Kuaiji "Sanin ancient waterway" is the predecessor of Hangzhou-Ningbo Canal. According to historical records, this ancient canal from Shaoxing Cao E Jiang Guo has been extended to the next length of 20 km.
Jin Huaidi time (307 ~ 312), within the history of HE through Kuaiji (Sanin people) presided over the canal dug to irrigate fields West Hing. Guo Hueiji County from west to west, to the solid-Ling, said the Eastern Zhejiang Canal. Canal east, direct Cao'e River. With the beam to clear the lake, from the canal more Cao'e and Da Ningbo.
Yang said the city, "At that time, this China tour water transportation is the ancient 'highway', counted over 1,700 years of history."
By ancient waterways, along the Grand Canal, Ningbo become Hohai connector:
111 BC, the more Wang Yushan East Fujian rebellion, Zhao Tingpai sailor Zheng Chao, at the time was by the sentence chapter (now Ningbo) to the sea.
Song Dynasty, the official Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, China and other worship are from Ningbo landing. Yuan positive "Chi Si Ming added," that: "Song Qingyuan years, where China's Jia Gaoli Zhufan matter to China and Japan who, only Minnesota (now Ningbo) a port." Ningbo imported from overseas by the time the goods reached 160 kinds, and the import trade of Ningbo Yuan varieties by up to 220 species.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Travel: Grand Canal Opens

Shandong Heze Soo River channel improvement works in Juye construction. The project 300 million yuan, the end of 2008 is expected to achieve navigation. Navigation, the Heze-rich coal, oil, agricultural and other resources can be directly Daru, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai four China tours provinces. It is understood, Soo River in the West Bank, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is a tributary of the Huai River Basin, west of Heze Dongming, the Juye and Jining City Jiaxiang, either into Nansi Lake City, is a cross-Heze, Jining cities , both drainage, irrigation, river navigation functions.
Heze City Department of Transportation with Juye coal development opportunity, made ​​a transformation of Soo River channel for Coal Transport provides easy water transport channel, driven by transportation, water, tourism, shipbuilding and general idea of ​​the development of services . To protect the pre-project work, Heze City Department of Transportation has invested $ 8 million, experts reviewed more than 20 times and collected a large amount of information along the Soo River.
It is reported that Soo River Channel Improvement Project a total length of 51.8 kilometers, of which 44.9 km section of Jining, Heze section of 6.9 km, construction standards for the three channel; 18 bridge reconstruction design; channel on behalf of the 1,000-ton ship barge China tour team-based, 500-ton barge convoys and the 500-1000 ton motor vessels supplemented. Project is expected to be completed end of 2008, the estimated investment 303 million yuan.
Soo River navigation channel completed, it will become the Central Plains south to north, east of the west of the important channels, as radiation, driving economic and social development southwest of gold and foreign exchange waterway, Heze-rich coal, oil, agricultural and other resources through the channel connecting the Grand Canal, continuously transported to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other provinces, resulting in huge economic and social benefits.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tour: Sea Tour Rescue Exercise in Xiangshan

Recently, in order to further enhance the area's maritime rescue emergency response teams and rescue capability to protect lives and property of tourists, create a harmonious, safe travel environment, the county in Songlanshan Beach Resort Beach to carry out large-scale sea rescue exercise. The exercise was more than 20 lifeguards participated in the county tourism authorities and the leadership of China tours Ministry of Security, Police and other relevant personnel to observe the Association.

Through this exercise improves the overall collaboration of the lifeguard team and the special circumstances encountered in emergency response capabilities, enhance the lifeguards' safety first, prevention first "consciousness. After the exercise, responsible for the safety and beach lifeguard for the exercise on-site exchange, and agreed that to enhance safety awareness and lifeguard safety education, lifeguard and visitors to strengthen communication and exchange, is important to ensure the safety of tourists China tour way. With the arrival of the tourist season, we should implement the duty security work, security responsibilities to the people while strengthening the sea-related tourism projects to carry out special inspections on all the key sea-related tourism enterprises taut string safety, to ensure safety of marine tourism.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Thousand Islands Lake to Build Summer Resort

The first half of 2011, closely around the resort building "national tourist resort," the overall goal, around the "service business" two major themes, pay close attention to the project progress, key project nine county region, total investment 650 million million, as of 5 completed by the end investment 420 million yuan, more than 60% completed the program.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of project construction, resort to optimize the investment environment, create development platform as a top priority. On the one hand the letter to the implementation of the county government to develop the system to optimize the investment China tours environment, the project construction difficulties and problems, on-site office, on everything. The other hand, a clear project leader to contact the county at least twice monthly in-depth projects to ensure front-line supervision and guidance, project responsibilities, project construction departments as the main responsibility to ensure that no less than four in-depth line items, tracking services, coordination resolution of key project construction process problems and difficulties.

In addition to the two complex projects, other projects the image of progress and investment have achieved more than half the time more than half the task. Such as profit and the resort has completed 75% of the interior decoration, outdoor landscape projects are tight China tour construction, is expected during the scheduled opening in November; pure heart Resort subject has passed inspection, the current during the indoor and outdoor paint, pure bridge as scheduled in May traffic; clear water Terrace Phase II construction is complete 70%, municipal, landscape construction is also simultaneously; Chun Yang line embankment reconstruction project has been completed.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Travel: China Xinjiang International Tourism Festival

Magnificent beauty, emotional music, hospitality Karamay people of all nationalities, to "a good place in Xinjiang - into Karamay" as the theme of the Seventh China Xinjiang International Tourism Festival, June 25 grand opening in Xinjiang Karamay. China Xinjiang International Tourism Festival this by the China National Tourism Administration, organized by the regional government, regional tourism bureau, China tours Karamay Municipal Government, is the highest level of Xinjiang tourism industry, a major social concern an event is to showcase the charm of Xinjiang, harmony in Xinjiang, the development of Xinjiang, the image of a tourist event.

It is reported that this tour during the festival from 25 countries around the world, 42 ambassadors and his wife, tourism officials in more than 20 countries, traveling salesman, domestic provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities tourism officials, traveling salesman, inside and China tour outside the one hundred a total of more than 600 news media correspondents gathered in the oil city of charm and common taste of the world's oil city of Karamay magic charm, China Xinjiang International Tourism Festival to share the feast.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Miss Tour of Zibo

From Zibo, Shandong Tourism Bureau, "li cloud water industry," the fifth Zibo Cup 2011 Miss Tourism will start in late July. According to the organizing committee, Zibo, as Miss Tourism "Hospitable Shandong" cultural spirit of the connotation of the important brands, is a major cultural China tours Qilu earth campaign, Lu in the region is also recognized as the most authoritative and influential beauty contests . Competition of "hospitality, Shandong, Zibo Modern Korea" is the theme selected by the event, selection of beauty and talent, wealth and loving, and positive outstanding female representation, they will by harmony, beauty and love spread throughout the Lu Zhongfu to the promotion of tourism industry development, while promoting the sponsor brand.

It is reported that, Zibo has an extremely rich natural, tourist and human resources, is a long history contains, carries the dreams of the city, this city needs China tour people with the publicity, adding to its vitality. Zibo Miss Tourism is adhering to show the youthful charm of this mission, carrying the city's image, brand and players dream, the crowd cheering for the players, for the enterprise, as Zibo travel dreams. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Public Bicycle in Nantong

Nantong Development Zone, 2011 to implement a major convenience, Huimin practical projects, the amount of annual investment of nearly 300 million regional public bicycle system launch ceremony, June 28 in the zone can be held up to Plaza. With the City Vice Chairman of the Development Party Work Committee, Chen announced the launch ceremony of the new start of the order, the region's first 30 points of 1000 public China tours bike and start running. It is reported that the second batch of public bicycles will also be the distribution of work recently completed, will put the region's first public bike will reach 1800. This not only is the first in Nantong, in the Soviet Union, North is the first case. System put into use, not only publicize the low-carbon, environmentally friendly, convenient for local public service, work and travel, while 15,000 people per day to meet the short-range transportation needs.

Red tourism, mainly refers to the Chinese Communist Party led the people in the Revolutionary War to commemorate the achievements of the great achievements, China tour of the formation, the markers for the carrier to carry their revolutionary history, the spirit of revolution and revolutionary deeds for the content, organization to carry out memory of receiving tourists learning, sightseeing, historical knowledge to achieve the learning revolution, accept the revolutionary tradition and spirit, to relax, to increase the subject of sex tourism experience.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


It's Time for China Summer Holiday Tour

Yesterday, reporter learned from Jinzhou travel agencies, the current file Jincheng city summer domestic travel, outbound travel have begun booking. Tour raring China tours competition for the market, targeted to launch characteristics of the line. From last week, the number of counseling and enrollment began to increase significantly.

Yesterday, reporter learned from Jinzhou City tour, domestic, outbound part of the product has been officially added to our summer tour. Compared with previous years, the hot domestic travel this summer is still in Beijing, East China, Yunnan, Hainan and other places, the lines almost the China tour same number of applicants, some of the more average. According to reports, for this year's summer tours, travel agencies began Jincheng travel content from more brains, just Hainan products, introduced the general tour, classic tours, in-depth tour, travel and other consumption level of quality not the same line, to meet the needs of tourists of different levels. In addition, travel agencies have launched a number of Family Fun, silver, and honeymoon travel and other consumer lines of the more obvious route to the greatest extent attract people's attention. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Revolution Tour in Zhejiang

Zhao Zhu at the opening ceremony. He pointed out to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party is the party and the country's political life this year in the event. Province as the birthplace of one of the party, the party witnessed the establishment of this great epoch-making event. As Zhejiang, we are very proud and privileged. Departments at all levels across the China tours province to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party as an opportunity to carry out the party's extensive history of the Party's fine traditions and style of publicity and education activities to further close to reality, life, and the masses, singing the Communist Party in the whole society well, socialism, and reform and opening up, the great motherland is good, good times and people of all the main theme of the activities celebrating the 90th anniversary of founding a carry forward the glorious tradition of the Party's fine style of work and the process has become a firm ideals and beliefs of people in the process.
After the opening ceremony, participate in Zhejiang Province, "one hundred million people look for a red mark on the city" activities of the team drove to the area began to look for China tour all the red tour. The search activity by the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Zhejiang Tourism Council, is divided into South Lake in Jiaxing Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Changxing New Fourth Army Military Memorial, site of anti-Japanese base eastern Zhejiang Ningbo, Shaoxing Lu Xun Memorial Hall, the ancestral home of Zhou Enlai, the former residence of Qiu Jin other four lines.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China West Lake Administration

First, the "lakes in China" target does not change. Since 2002, Hangzhou implement the "free West", has so far been free of the park are more than 130 attractions, is China's China tours first and so far the only one not accept tickets 5A level scenic spots. In the future, Hangzhou will continue to adhere to the "lakes in China" target does not change, adhere to the "free West" does not change, so that the people of the world's largest Lake Park.

Second, the tickets are not prices. Traffic to be restricted due to conservation of the Ling Yin, Yue Miao, Six Harmonies Pagoda, Tiger and other attractions, tickets pledged not raising their prices.Third, the museum free of charge. Since 2003, the first in China Hangzhou, museums, memorials, science museums and other public venues open free of charge, and preferential policies, carry out young students 'second class' activities, young students entering the museum, Memorial Hall. Hangzhou will continue to adhere to the future museum is open free, and to further strengthen and constantly improve museum management and service levels.

Fourth, the land does not transfer. On the West Lake scenic area of ​​land, Hangzhou will strictly follow the "Scenic Area Ordinance" and other relevant laws and regulations and the "Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Master Plan" requirements, strict protect land resources, absolutely not engage in business of selling, and resolutely stop real estate development project, prohibit the establishment has nothing to do with the  China tour protection of scenic resources and other buildings. Fifth, do not destroy cultural relics. In the future, Hangzhou will always be the spirit of "protection first, the cities" principle, a full range of types of strict protection of cultural heritage, and constantly improve the protection system, continue to promote the restoration of cultural heritage protection, actively tap the collation of historical and cultural debris, and promote rational use of cultural heritage.

Sixth, public resources are not occupied. West Lake is the people of West Lake. West Lake and its surrounding areas each side the lake, every inch of coastline, each piece of green space, every facility, every landscape, are extremely valuable public resource, should the general public and foreign tourists to share. In the future, will establish Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area resources protection and management system will not allow any unit or individual to occupy the West Lake of public resources, use of public resources to achieve maximum efficiency, optimization. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Wetland Birds Viewing

Panjin wetland is typical of coastal reed swamps and wetlands, where the beach with the sea with river reed finishes, unique geographical environment attracts birds
China tours from habitat. There are national first class protected animal nine kinds; second-class protected animals, 34 kinds. Here is a rare breeding birds, the most southern limit of red-crowned crane is the largest populations of Gull breeding and habitat. There are several million of annual migration of birds migrate through here or stop dwelling on this breed, known as "birds paradise" and "Birds of Paradise."

Bird Watching month during the event, a time when large-scale migration resettlement birds, red-crowned crane, the East since the stork, crane, Gull, swans, geese, ducks and many birds are here to stay open. March and April is also known as "sea giant panda" in the Pacific harbor seal breeding China tour season, visitors enjoy the Crane Dance gull-ming, but also to enjoy the naive harbor seal. Activities with the careful implementation of the multi-Tourism Bureau, Panjin Liaohe protected areas Daily Authority and the Provincial Tourism Association, a number of contacts, travel outside the province, traveling salesman, the media, Gull Conservation Society, Birdlife, self-driving organization, to determine the activities organization and bird lines.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China West Lake Expo Opened in Liangzhu

Liangzhu farmer tourist park is a creative way of thinking to create agrarian cultural theme park. In 2009, the park received 168,000 tourists trips, now through the "National Agricultural tourism demonstration" trial and obtained the "Zhejiang agricultural tourism demonstration China tours sites," the honorary title. Park stressed the cultural life of farming experience, performing arts reproduction of farming culture, visitors participate in interactive. Farmers who participate in the 2010 Paradise Arts Sixth China International Cartoon and Animation Festival opening ceremony and parade, to be provincial and municipal leaders at all levels and the majority of the audience at home, known as the first local branch in Hangzhou performing professional animation team. West Lake Expo in Hangzhou city's gold card, is the leading convention and exhibition industry in Hangzhou. In order to better integrate into the West will heighten the festive atmosphere of the West will be warm, through its participation in the West will further improve quality, Yuhang District, farmers apply for park area in Liangzhu set up the "West Lake in Hangzhou, Cartoon Crazy "as the theme of the West will be at the venue. A series of activities will China tour be organized during the event, including: "New Harvest Carnival", "five cartoon sitcom," "cartoon fun parade," and so on, then, singing and dancing cartoon, cartoon sitcom, cartoon fun parade, athletic performance small animal , and a series of colorful interactive dance program will be presented one by one, to tourists in the cool season of autumn brings a new cartoon experience. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Korean Folk Culture and Tourism Festival

June 22 to September 30, Changbai County will hold "the sixth Changbai Korean Folk Culture and Tourism Festival." The theme for this tour: "landscape ecology tour, China tours taste of folk customs, sentiment recreational life."

According to reports, the Korean Tourism Festival will feature song and dance performances, bonfire, fireworks and other activities to demonstrate the economic and social development of Changbai latest achievements and frontier spirit high-spirited people, showing the Changbai Korean folk China tour culture. The Changbai beautiful landscape, rich resources, honest folk and unique national characteristics propaganda out to create folk culture tourism brand, improve the Changbai external reputation and influence to promote the Changbai and border city travel Fuxian the pace of building. , For more information, please shift to Best China Tour.


Northeast Summer Resort Tour

17, loaded with Shanghai, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, nearly 400 tourists' impression of the Northeast "tourist train arrived in Shanghai, Changchun City, Jilin China tours Province, which in recent years, Shanghai welcomed the start of the first large-scale tourist train .
     "Impression of the Northeast" is a culture of Changchun, Jilin Province Changbai Mountain International Travel Investment of Shanghai International Travel Service Co., Ltd. in Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta region-cum-tourist routes in the Northeast to create a great brand. The beginning and ending station for the train to Shanghai means Changchun, Jilin Province Changbai Mountain, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and Heilongjiang Province Mudanjiang, etc., so densely populated Yangtze River Delta people have more opportunities to enjoy the north-east of the original ecological scenery. The entire trip from June 15 until the end of June 23.
     Changchun Culture International Travel Service, said Deputy General Manager Wu Fang, the Northeast's major emerging tourism destination in recent years. After the summer, hot and rainy south, summer is a good time to the northeast, so the product launch would be a warm response China tour from local tourists. With the Yangtze River Delta Shanghai-cum-tourism products to introduce new people to the continuous demand for travel plans to start again in September, will hit the Northeast in autumn "five Huashan" beauty and the specific time and route is still planned.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour