
China Stone Tours

Recently, the Association of ornamental stones from Beijing, China came the good news, Longyou was awarded the "Hometown of Chinese ornamental stones," as the country was selected as one of the seven declared, but also following the Xinchang, Zhejiang Province, after the first Changshan award of three counties. So far, the country has 30 "Chinese ornamental stones of the town."

Longyou since October 2010, began to "Chinese ornamental stones," and the declaration of work, in November 2011 was successfully held in China? Longyou Huanglong Stones Culture Expo, radiation of a wide range of economic and social effects. County the stone into the tourism and cultural industries, "second pioneering" in the background to the training, adhere to the scientific planning and rational a clear positioning, attention investment, and strengthen marketing, focusing on industrial integration, highlighting the "culture" ideas for declare the work of laying a solid foundation.

"Chinese ornamental stones," and the declaration of success, the following points Longyou economic development significance. First, the brand highlights. Longyou was selected as "hometown of Chinese ornamental stones," affirmed the Huanglong Longyou position in Jinqu basin, forming a well-deserved brand. Second, the integration of scarce resources. With the declaration of success, the government and the community recognition and attention, Longyou of yellow stone and petrified wood and other scarce resources can be more scientific and rational planning to protect and establish sustainable development system. Third, strengthen the cultural industry chain. Stones for the cultural industry to build Longyou a broader platform for the development, and strive to create into a set of processing, exhibition, cultural integration of high, medium and low combined market Longyou Huanglong, the formation of the exhibition, transaction and event integration cultural industry chain. Fourth, to promote tourism "secondary" business. Relying on the rocks in the culture and rich tourism resources, packaging, tourism projects, cultural activities through the organization of Stones, will combine all kinds of tourism resources and promote the county's rapid economic development.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

