
China Travel: Grand Canal Opens

Shandong Heze Soo River channel improvement works in Juye construction. The project 300 million yuan, the end of 2008 is expected to achieve navigation. Navigation, the Heze-rich coal, oil, agricultural and other resources can be directly Daru, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai four China tours provinces. It is understood, Soo River in the West Bank, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal is a tributary of the Huai River Basin, west of Heze Dongming, the Juye and Jining City Jiaxiang, either into Nansi Lake City, is a cross-Heze, Jining cities , both drainage, irrigation, river navigation functions.
Heze City Department of Transportation with Juye coal development opportunity, made ​​a transformation of Soo River channel for Coal Transport provides easy water transport channel, driven by transportation, water, tourism, shipbuilding and general idea of ​​the development of services . To protect the pre-project work, Heze City Department of Transportation has invested $ 8 million, experts reviewed more than 20 times and collected a large amount of information along the Soo River.
It is reported that Soo River Channel Improvement Project a total length of 51.8 kilometers, of which 44.9 km section of Jining, Heze section of 6.9 km, construction standards for the three channel; 18 bridge reconstruction design; channel on behalf of the 1,000-ton ship barge China tour team-based, 500-ton barge convoys and the 500-1000 ton motor vessels supplemented. Project is expected to be completed end of 2008, the estimated investment 303 million yuan.
Soo River navigation channel completed, it will become the Central Plains south to north, east of the west of the important channels, as radiation, driving economic and social development southwest of gold and foreign exchange waterway, Heze-rich coal, oil, agricultural and other resources through the channel connecting the Grand Canal, continuously transported to Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other provinces, resulting in huge economic and social benefits.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

