
China West Lake Administration

First, the "lakes in China" target does not change. Since 2002, Hangzhou implement the "free West", has so far been free of the park are more than 130 attractions, is China's China tours first and so far the only one not accept tickets 5A level scenic spots. In the future, Hangzhou will continue to adhere to the "lakes in China" target does not change, adhere to the "free West" does not change, so that the people of the world's largest Lake Park.

Second, the tickets are not prices. Traffic to be restricted due to conservation of the Ling Yin, Yue Miao, Six Harmonies Pagoda, Tiger and other attractions, tickets pledged not raising their prices.Third, the museum free of charge. Since 2003, the first in China Hangzhou, museums, memorials, science museums and other public venues open free of charge, and preferential policies, carry out young students 'second class' activities, young students entering the museum, Memorial Hall. Hangzhou will continue to adhere to the future museum is open free, and to further strengthen and constantly improve museum management and service levels.

Fourth, the land does not transfer. On the West Lake scenic area of ​​land, Hangzhou will strictly follow the "Scenic Area Ordinance" and other relevant laws and regulations and the "Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Master Plan" requirements, strict protect land resources, absolutely not engage in business of selling, and resolutely stop real estate development project, prohibit the establishment has nothing to do with the  China tour protection of scenic resources and other buildings. Fifth, do not destroy cultural relics. In the future, Hangzhou will always be the spirit of "protection first, the cities" principle, a full range of types of strict protection of cultural heritage, and constantly improve the protection system, continue to promote the restoration of cultural heritage protection, actively tap the collation of historical and cultural debris, and promote rational use of cultural heritage.

Sixth, public resources are not occupied. West Lake is the people of West Lake. West Lake and its surrounding areas each side the lake, every inch of coastline, each piece of green space, every facility, every landscape, are extremely valuable public resource, should the general public and foreign tourists to share. In the future, will establish Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area resources protection and management system will not allow any unit or individual to occupy the West Lake of public resources, use of public resources to achieve maximum efficiency, optimization. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

