
China Tours: Public Bicycle in Nantong

Nantong Development Zone, 2011 to implement a major convenience, Huimin practical projects, the amount of annual investment of nearly 300 million regional public bicycle system launch ceremony, June 28 in the zone can be held up to Plaza. With the City Vice Chairman of the Development Party Work Committee, Chen announced the launch ceremony of the new start of the order, the region's first 30 points of 1000 public China tours bike and start running. It is reported that the second batch of public bicycles will also be the distribution of work recently completed, will put the region's first public bike will reach 1800. This not only is the first in Nantong, in the Soviet Union, North is the first case. System put into use, not only publicize the low-carbon, environmentally friendly, convenient for local public service, work and travel, while 15,000 people per day to meet the short-range transportation needs.

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