
China Tours: Sichuan After-shock Tour

In the "5.12" third anniversary, the Central Command has completed memorial garden, three Shui aerial platform, the road embankment and the next card, visit the memorial center point of reception facilities project, the new settings of the old county earthquake China tours damage traffic vehicle display area and the Wei Ravine One dam parking lot, updated finishing the victims memorial cemetery signs, improve the image of the earthquake site. Command is still old town of Beichuan installation of perimeter security fence has 5400 meters, mark the channel in both sides of the safety barriers installed in 5230 m, laid the monitoring system, the completion of the core region 14 15 earthquake damaged the building emergency support reinforcement.

It is understood that the national red list of tourist attractions classic work by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Central Propaganda Department, Ministry of Finance, National Tourism Administration and other departments to identify lead selection. The total China tour of 127 tourist scenic spots selected for the national red list of second batch of the classic attractions, including Sichuan, 4.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

