
China Tour: Sea Tour Rescue Exercise in Xiangshan

Recently, in order to further enhance the area's maritime rescue emergency response teams and rescue capability to protect lives and property of tourists, create a harmonious, safe travel environment, the county in Songlanshan Beach Resort Beach to carry out large-scale sea rescue exercise. The exercise was more than 20 lifeguards participated in the county tourism authorities and the leadership of China tours Ministry of Security, Police and other relevant personnel to observe the Association.

Through this exercise improves the overall collaboration of the lifeguard team and the special circumstances encountered in emergency response capabilities, enhance the lifeguards' safety first, prevention first "consciousness. After the exercise, responsible for the safety and beach lifeguard for the exercise on-site exchange, and agreed that to enhance safety awareness and lifeguard safety education, lifeguard and visitors to strengthen communication and exchange, is important to ensure the safety of tourists China tour way. With the arrival of the tourist season, we should implement the duty security work, security responsibilities to the people while strengthening the sea-related tourism projects to carry out special inspections on all the key sea-related tourism enterprises taut string safety, to ensure safety of marine tourism.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

