
China Tours: Yunnan Promotes Tourism in Italy

August 1, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau and the Italian "CINA" magazine co-published album started Yunnan Tourism OTC sales in Italy to Italian Colorful Yunnan has opened a mystery. 100 pages of the album, describes the full range of rich tourism resources of Yunnan and related information, Yunnan travel first full show in the Western developed countries, the professional media.

According to the publishers introduction, the magazine published in the album before the advertising, booking required number of letters from readers, with good results. Magazine was published, to the Chinese embassy in Italy, China Tourism Office in Rome, Italy, Italy and other Chinese institutions, and some well-known hotels, tourist information center presented the album, very popular. Currently, publishers are working with the Italian airline Air China and consultation intends to magazines devoted to flight from China and Italy, for reference by the passengers to read. In another, the album also led to the publication never been to the publishers of Yunnan Yunnan tourism interest, they will send delegations to participate in October 2011 held in Kunming, Yunnan China International Tourism Fair and tourism resources for field trips .For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

