
It's Time for China Summer Holiday Tour

Yesterday, reporter learned from Jinzhou travel agencies, the current file Jincheng city summer domestic travel, outbound travel have begun booking. Tour raring China tours competition for the market, targeted to launch characteristics of the line. From last week, the number of counseling and enrollment began to increase significantly.

Yesterday, reporter learned from Jinzhou City tour, domestic, outbound part of the product has been officially added to our summer tour. Compared with previous years, the hot domestic travel this summer is still in Beijing, East China, Yunnan, Hainan and other places, the lines almost the China tour same number of applicants, some of the more average. According to reports, for this year's summer tours, travel agencies began Jincheng travel content from more brains, just Hainan products, introduced the general tour, classic tours, in-depth tour, travel and other consumption level of quality not the same line, to meet the needs of tourists of different levels. In addition, travel agencies have launched a number of Family Fun, silver, and honeymoon travel and other consumer lines of the more obvious route to the greatest extent attract people's attention. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

