
China Revolution Tour in Zhejiang

Zhao Zhu at the opening ceremony. He pointed out to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party is the party and the country's political life this year in the event. Province as the birthplace of one of the party, the party witnessed the establishment of this great epoch-making event. As Zhejiang, we are very proud and privileged. Departments at all levels across the China tours province to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party as an opportunity to carry out the party's extensive history of the Party's fine traditions and style of publicity and education activities to further close to reality, life, and the masses, singing the Communist Party in the whole society well, socialism, and reform and opening up, the great motherland is good, good times and people of all the main theme of the activities celebrating the 90th anniversary of founding a carry forward the glorious tradition of the Party's fine style of work and the process has become a firm ideals and beliefs of people in the process.
After the opening ceremony, participate in Zhejiang Province, "one hundred million people look for a red mark on the city" activities of the team drove to the area began to look for China tour all the red tour. The search activity by the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Zhejiang Tourism Council, is divided into South Lake in Jiaxing Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Changxing New Fourth Army Military Memorial, site of anti-Japanese base eastern Zhejiang Ningbo, Shaoxing Lu Xun Memorial Hall, the ancestral home of Zhou Enlai, the former residence of Qiu Jin other four lines.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

