
China to Boast Red Tour

Liu Yunshan that the development of red tourism is fine revolutionary tradition inherited from the CPC Central Committee, the development of socialist advanced culture, and to consolidate the party's base of strategic, to make a major decision, made ​​a major task. All localities and central departments to seriously implement the spirit and push forward the work, the development of red tourism thriving good situation, China tours focus on the effectiveness of the construction area and fine lines clear, rational layout, covering a wide range of red tourism network basic system, red tourism social functions are further play, the strong momentum of development of red tourism industry, boosting economic growth has become increasingly prominent role, to achieve social and economic benefits double harvest.

Liu Yunshan stressed that the development of red tourism, with the party's glorious history and valuable experience enlightenment of people, with the brilliant achievements of the party and fighting spirit to inspire people, help increase awareness of the socialist core value system of understanding and recognition, and firmly take the socialist with Chinese characteristics road confidence determination. Development of red tourism and cultural tourism is to achieve an organic integration of the new creation, to optimize China tour the economic structure, transform the mode provides a new way, to foster the development of strengths in promoting sound and rapid economic development has provided new support. Development of red tourism will help people experience the lofty sentiment, distillation state, to participate in builds in the Chi, the benefits of German educational and improve civic literacy and socio-cultural level of civilization.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour

