
China Tours: Public Bicycle in Nantong

Nantong Development Zone, 2011 to implement a major convenience, Huimin practical projects, the amount of annual investment of nearly 300 million regional public bicycle system launch ceremony, June 28 in the zone can be held up to Plaza. With the City Vice Chairman of the Development Party Work Committee, Chen announced the launch ceremony of the new start of the order, the region's first 30 points of 1000 public China tours bike and start running. It is reported that the second batch of public bicycles will also be the distribution of work recently completed, will put the region's first public bike will reach 1800. This not only is the first in Nantong, in the Soviet Union, North is the first case. System put into use, not only publicize the low-carbon, environmentally friendly, convenient for local public service, work and travel, while 15,000 people per day to meet the short-range transportation needs.

Red tourism, mainly refers to the Chinese Communist Party led the people in the Revolutionary War to commemorate the achievements of the great achievements, China tour of the formation, the markers for the carrier to carry their revolutionary history, the spirit of revolution and revolutionary deeds for the content, organization to carry out memory of receiving tourists learning, sightseeing, historical knowledge to achieve the learning revolution, accept the revolutionary tradition and spirit, to relax, to increase the subject of sex tourism experience.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


It's Time for China Summer Holiday Tour

Yesterday, reporter learned from Jinzhou travel agencies, the current file Jincheng city summer domestic travel, outbound travel have begun booking. Tour raring China tours competition for the market, targeted to launch characteristics of the line. From last week, the number of counseling and enrollment began to increase significantly.

Yesterday, reporter learned from Jinzhou City tour, domestic, outbound part of the product has been officially added to our summer tour. Compared with previous years, the hot domestic travel this summer is still in Beijing, East China, Yunnan, Hainan and other places, the lines almost the China tour same number of applicants, some of the more average. According to reports, for this year's summer tours, travel agencies began Jincheng travel content from more brains, just Hainan products, introduced the general tour, classic tours, in-depth tour, travel and other consumption level of quality not the same line, to meet the needs of tourists of different levels. In addition, travel agencies have launched a number of Family Fun, silver, and honeymoon travel and other consumer lines of the more obvious route to the greatest extent attract people's attention. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Revolution Tour in Zhejiang

Zhao Zhu at the opening ceremony. He pointed out to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party is the party and the country's political life this year in the event. Province as the birthplace of one of the party, the party witnessed the establishment of this great epoch-making event. As Zhejiang, we are very proud and privileged. Departments at all levels across the China tours province to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the Chinese Communist Party as an opportunity to carry out the party's extensive history of the Party's fine traditions and style of publicity and education activities to further close to reality, life, and the masses, singing the Communist Party in the whole society well, socialism, and reform and opening up, the great motherland is good, good times and people of all the main theme of the activities celebrating the 90th anniversary of founding a carry forward the glorious tradition of the Party's fine style of work and the process has become a firm ideals and beliefs of people in the process.
After the opening ceremony, participate in Zhejiang Province, "one hundred million people look for a red mark on the city" activities of the team drove to the area began to look for China tour all the red tour. The search activity by the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Zhejiang Tourism Council, is divided into South Lake in Jiaxing Revolutionary Memorial Hall, Jiangsu, Zhejiang Changxing New Fourth Army Military Memorial, site of anti-Japanese base eastern Zhejiang Ningbo, Shaoxing Lu Xun Memorial Hall, the ancestral home of Zhou Enlai, the former residence of Qiu Jin other four lines.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China West Lake Administration

First, the "lakes in China" target does not change. Since 2002, Hangzhou implement the "free West", has so far been free of the park are more than 130 attractions, is China's China tours first and so far the only one not accept tickets 5A level scenic spots. In the future, Hangzhou will continue to adhere to the "lakes in China" target does not change, adhere to the "free West" does not change, so that the people of the world's largest Lake Park.

Second, the tickets are not prices. Traffic to be restricted due to conservation of the Ling Yin, Yue Miao, Six Harmonies Pagoda, Tiger and other attractions, tickets pledged not raising their prices.Third, the museum free of charge. Since 2003, the first in China Hangzhou, museums, memorials, science museums and other public venues open free of charge, and preferential policies, carry out young students 'second class' activities, young students entering the museum, Memorial Hall. Hangzhou will continue to adhere to the future museum is open free, and to further strengthen and constantly improve museum management and service levels.

Fourth, the land does not transfer. On the West Lake scenic area of ​​land, Hangzhou will strictly follow the "Scenic Area Ordinance" and other relevant laws and regulations and the "Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area Master Plan" requirements, strict protect land resources, absolutely not engage in business of selling, and resolutely stop real estate development project, prohibit the establishment has nothing to do with the  China tour protection of scenic resources and other buildings. Fifth, do not destroy cultural relics. In the future, Hangzhou will always be the spirit of "protection first, the cities" principle, a full range of types of strict protection of cultural heritage, and constantly improve the protection system, continue to promote the restoration of cultural heritage protection, actively tap the collation of historical and cultural debris, and promote rational use of cultural heritage.

Sixth, public resources are not occupied. West Lake is the people of West Lake. West Lake and its surrounding areas each side the lake, every inch of coastline, each piece of green space, every facility, every landscape, are extremely valuable public resource, should the general public and foreign tourists to share. In the future, will establish Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area resources protection and management system will not allow any unit or individual to occupy the West Lake of public resources, use of public resources to achieve maximum efficiency, optimization. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Wetland Birds Viewing

Panjin wetland is typical of coastal reed swamps and wetlands, where the beach with the sea with river reed finishes, unique geographical environment attracts birds
China tours from habitat. There are national first class protected animal nine kinds; second-class protected animals, 34 kinds. Here is a rare breeding birds, the most southern limit of red-crowned crane is the largest populations of Gull breeding and habitat. There are several million of annual migration of birds migrate through here or stop dwelling on this breed, known as "birds paradise" and "Birds of Paradise."

Bird Watching month during the event, a time when large-scale migration resettlement birds, red-crowned crane, the East since the stork, crane, Gull, swans, geese, ducks and many birds are here to stay open. March and April is also known as "sea giant panda" in the Pacific harbor seal breeding China tour season, visitors enjoy the Crane Dance gull-ming, but also to enjoy the naive harbor seal. Activities with the careful implementation of the multi-Tourism Bureau, Panjin Liaohe protected areas Daily Authority and the Provincial Tourism Association, a number of contacts, travel outside the province, traveling salesman, the media, Gull Conservation Society, Birdlife, self-driving organization, to determine the activities organization and bird lines.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China West Lake Expo Opened in Liangzhu

Liangzhu farmer tourist park is a creative way of thinking to create agrarian cultural theme park. In 2009, the park received 168,000 tourists trips, now through the "National Agricultural tourism demonstration" trial and obtained the "Zhejiang agricultural tourism demonstration China tours sites," the honorary title. Park stressed the cultural life of farming experience, performing arts reproduction of farming culture, visitors participate in interactive. Farmers who participate in the 2010 Paradise Arts Sixth China International Cartoon and Animation Festival opening ceremony and parade, to be provincial and municipal leaders at all levels and the majority of the audience at home, known as the first local branch in Hangzhou performing professional animation team. West Lake Expo in Hangzhou city's gold card, is the leading convention and exhibition industry in Hangzhou. In order to better integrate into the West will heighten the festive atmosphere of the West will be warm, through its participation in the West will further improve quality, Yuhang District, farmers apply for park area in Liangzhu set up the "West Lake in Hangzhou, Cartoon Crazy "as the theme of the West will be at the venue. A series of activities will China tour be organized during the event, including: "New Harvest Carnival", "five cartoon sitcom," "cartoon fun parade," and so on, then, singing and dancing cartoon, cartoon sitcom, cartoon fun parade, athletic performance small animal , and a series of colorful interactive dance program will be presented one by one, to tourists in the cool season of autumn brings a new cartoon experience. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Korean Folk Culture and Tourism Festival

June 22 to September 30, Changbai County will hold "the sixth Changbai Korean Folk Culture and Tourism Festival." The theme for this tour: "landscape ecology tour, China tours taste of folk customs, sentiment recreational life."

According to reports, the Korean Tourism Festival will feature song and dance performances, bonfire, fireworks and other activities to demonstrate the economic and social development of Changbai latest achievements and frontier spirit high-spirited people, showing the Changbai Korean folk China tour culture. The Changbai beautiful landscape, rich resources, honest folk and unique national characteristics propaganda out to create folk culture tourism brand, improve the Changbai external reputation and influence to promote the Changbai and border city travel Fuxian the pace of building. , For more information, please shift to Best China Tour.


Northeast Summer Resort Tour

17, loaded with Shanghai, Ningbo, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Wuxi, Nanjing, nearly 400 tourists' impression of the Northeast "tourist train arrived in Shanghai, Changchun City, Jilin China tours Province, which in recent years, Shanghai welcomed the start of the first large-scale tourist train .
     "Impression of the Northeast" is a culture of Changchun, Jilin Province Changbai Mountain International Travel Investment of Shanghai International Travel Service Co., Ltd. in Shanghai, the Yangtze River Delta region-cum-tourist routes in the Northeast to create a great brand. The beginning and ending station for the train to Shanghai means Changchun, Jilin Province Changbai Mountain, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture and Heilongjiang Province Mudanjiang, etc., so densely populated Yangtze River Delta people have more opportunities to enjoy the north-east of the original ecological scenery. The entire trip from June 15 until the end of June 23.
     Changchun Culture International Travel Service, said Deputy General Manager Wu Fang, the Northeast's major emerging tourism destination in recent years. After the summer, hot and rainy south, summer is a good time to the northeast, so the product launch would be a warm response China tour from local tourists. With the Yangtze River Delta Shanghai-cum-tourism products to introduce new people to the continuous demand for travel plans to start again in September, will hit the Northeast in autumn "five Huashan" beauty and the specific time and route is still planned.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Highlights of 2011 China International Tourism Commodity Fair

2011 China International Tourism Commodity Fair will be June 24 to 27 opening. Does not want to think of the show scene stroll? The fair with the previous China tours two are different? What are highlights of activities are most worthy of attention? Newspaper for readers to sort out the eight sparse highlights, you can view each show during the visit.

One bright spot: the team participants significantly increased

The fair booth tour can be divided into four blocks: the city team, the team outside the city, province team and outside team. Among them, the city of Yiwu, outdoor leisure products, 48 ​​booths, Yiwu Farm Pavilion 95 booths, the next king of hotel supplies 52 booths; outside the city of Wuyi Tourist Products Association, 54 booths, Yongkang Vehicle Industry Association 81 Booth; province of Guangxi Wanyuan ASEAN Pavilion 30 booths, pavilions Chaozhou hotel supplies 136 booths, 49 booths Jingdezhen pavilions; outside Taiwan Pavilion 128 booths, Yiwu Foreign Affairs group of the 49 booths, international Trade City Hall tour of imported goods and 41 booths.
Highlight two: ten thousand tourists like visiting the exhibition, Zhejiang

Fun, good-looking is a Tourism Commodity Fair, a major feature. Because of this, "Zhejiang Tour" will be held during the exposition, organized  China tour ten thousand visitors to Yiwu, Zhejiang, shopping tourism, and travel products to participate in this fair. Present preliminary step on the line has been completed, and reached a preliminary agreement with the Organizing Committee.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China to Boast Red Tour

Liu Yunshan that the development of red tourism is fine revolutionary tradition inherited from the CPC Central Committee, the development of socialist advanced culture, and to consolidate the party's base of strategic, to make a major decision, made ​​a major task. All localities and central departments to seriously implement the spirit and push forward the work, the development of red tourism thriving good situation, China tours focus on the effectiveness of the construction area and fine lines clear, rational layout, covering a wide range of red tourism network basic system, red tourism social functions are further play, the strong momentum of development of red tourism industry, boosting economic growth has become increasingly prominent role, to achieve social and economic benefits double harvest.

Liu Yunshan stressed that the development of red tourism, with the party's glorious history and valuable experience enlightenment of people, with the brilliant achievements of the party and fighting spirit to inspire people, help increase awareness of the socialist core value system of understanding and recognition, and firmly take the socialist with Chinese characteristics road confidence determination. Development of red tourism and cultural tourism is to achieve an organic integration of the new creation, to optimize China tour the economic structure, transform the mode provides a new way, to foster the development of strengths in promoting sound and rapid economic development has provided new support. Development of red tourism will help people experience the lofty sentiment, distillation state, to participate in builds in the Chi, the benefits of German educational and improve civic literacy and socio-cultural level of civilization.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China High--Speed Train Service

Qiaoxiaoqianxi, beautiful eyes hope Xi. Yesterday, the Shanghai Railway Bureau Shanghai section of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail passenger crew team debut, many of which are from the airline to switch to a "stewardess." Biting chopsticks practice smiling posture, head standing practice ..China tours. These books through the devil-style training "action girls" who will be opening at the end of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail trains, provide passengers with quality services. Biting chopsticks practice smiling mouth posture

Mouth biting chopsticks, keep minutes, this is not a practicing dental mouth, but smiling posture training. "This can correct crooked mouth with the level of laughter." Zhu Shanghai deputy party secretary of the passenger section of the leopard said, "a smile is also a standard, face relaxed, mouth up, exposing 6-8 teeth." Final assessment, called for each crew to take a piece of paper over his eyes following section, visitors can see a smile from the eyes, considered the boundary. The other side of the classroom, several "action girls" is "learning stations", the innate ability, but also re-learned here. Looked up, straight ahead, shoulders flat ... , China tour... follow the trainer's password, "action girls" who will be a book on their head. This stand 10 minutes, the book remains motionless. By this way, body type can be more upright. Make-up is one of the courses to learn from the liner to the entire makeup must comply with the "makeup" principle. Therefore, the liner can not describe too broad nor too thick; nails can not stay long, not coloring; lipstick, eye shadow color to be uniform with similar color.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Travel to China Huangshan Fish Leung Dam

Fish Leung Dam in Anhui Province, Huangshan, is the largest water conservancy project of ancient Huizhou, built in the Song and Tang dynasties. Now rebuild the ancient dam was the Ming Dynasty, there are thirty-three years of Ming Dynasty Notes dam repair the monument be ascertained. Xin'anjiang tributaries - China tours The river by this practice, because the terrain generated by two meters of natural gap, sailing and great inconvenience to local people here built a roller adapted to local conditions of the dam, this dam can store upstream of the water, to facilitate irrigation, in order to facilitate navigation, but also slow downstream flow, can flood.

Dam 138 meters long, 27 meters wide at the bottom, top width of 4 meters, all in all-solid rock from Lei Qi, each stone weighing more than tons. They Leiqi construction methods both scientific and clever, every ten bluestone, have established a pillar, between the upper and lower layers, such as nails  China tour into the pier with a hard, rocky nailing such as "stable", also known as ingots nails. Thus, the lower is like wearing a Stone Lock, with each course, very solid. Between each layer of each stone, and with the Stone Lock chain, so close together up and down one, to build into a solid Yuliang Dam Crossing the River's clothes. Middle dam water gate for drainage. Mr. Zheng Xiaoxie famous ancient national experts, said: "Yuliang dam design, construction and function, can be used with comparable Dujiangyan Minjiang lying!"For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tour Expo 2011

Express Travel Trade Fair 2011 will leave for the eight sites preview 2010, turnover reached 2.769 billion yuan Travel Fair, the scale and influence the industry the first exhibition. June 9, the reporter from the travel expo press briefing was informed that this year's Travel Fair will be held June 24 to 27, Yiwu International Exhibition Centre. Yiwu Travel Fair this year, the number of the more than 2000 booths, has confirmed that the provinces will all travel to the scene, the domestic professional buyers are expected to exceed 9 China tours million. Yiwu market, relying on the unique strengths and advantages of the developed tourism products industry, as well as international and professional exhibition standards, and dedication of two wonderful travel products trading, Expo event, for the majority of tourist commodities production and business enterprises to build a communication A bridge to domestic and foreign markets, an investment, trade and technical cooperation platform. Approved as a comprehensive trade reform after the debut of the travel expo, which will bring a new change? This tour will travel Business Express depart next week, means the eight sites may wish to preview.

Exhibitors groups, including outdoor leisure products, Yiwu, Yiwu Nongmao Cheng, Wang Yiwu next hotel supplies, travel supplies Wuyi, Yongkang industry and car industry of  China tour Guangxi-ASEAN million Yuan, Chaozhou hotel supplies, Jingdezhen porcelain. Among them, Wuyi, Chaozhou, Jingdezhen and other important industrial base in both areas.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Taiwan Free Tour is on the Way

Reuters reporter from the China National Tourism Administration Information Center was informed that on June 12, the State Tourism Bureau, Taiwan Strait Tourism Exchange Association, Shao Qiwei, announced at the Third Forum on the Straits, the mainland residents to travel China Tours first batch of pilot personal Cities as Beijing, Shanghai and Xiamen, and will be officially launched on June 28. Meanwhile, both sides agreed to open Fujian residents to visit Kinmen and Matsu, and Penghu personal travel, the specific implementation arrangements agreed upon again as soon as possible. In the future, both sides will sum up the basis of experience, according to actively and steadily, the principle of gradual and orderly progress, according to gradually expand the development of open range.

Shao Qiwei said mainland residents to travel from the team July 18, 2008 opening, the overall showing rapid growth, healthy and orderly development of the situation, made ​​a significant social and economic benefits, and all sides have been widely recognized by the people. Deadline May 31 this China Tour year, the total number of mainland residents to tour Taiwan totaled 2.34 million passengers. Practice shows that mainland residents traveling to Taiwan team in promoting the common development of cross-strait tourism, promote cross-strait mutual understanding and emotional integration of people, and promote peaceful development of cross-strait relations has played an active role, in line with the common interests of compatriots on both sides.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Wuzhen Tour

Wuzhen is a distinctive part residential areas along the river extending to the river, here playing with stakes or stone pillars in the river bed, the shelf beam, resting on the wood, known as the "pavilion", which is unique to the style of Wuzhen. Aura pavilion is located Wuzhen, china tour although it does not luxury, it is difficult than the high-rise. With the pavilion, people Wuzhen more intimate with the water; with pavilion, Wuzhen's style more flavor; with pavilion, Wuzhen You temperament is more elegant; with pavilion, add a history of Wuzhen Were tactful. The original pavilion was Wuzhen, Wuzhen is the charm.

Wuzhen is petty bourgeoisie, the great love of young artists, this place is no less a bar. Xi Shi Yu Austrian river section of the bridge to the stone road bridge Xianning, tour china called Silk Gallery Street. There are several bars that opened toward the river, known as Wuzhen, bar street. "Things Past"and"step by step as the lotus, " the most prestigious, Wuzhen, bars, antique, dim yellow lighting, the hidden story of the number of how many dreams?,


China Yingtan Tour

Leading to the terminal scented trail. Local villagers with their children on the swing-up of the stalls on the roadside, selling some salt and fried eggs, soil, China Tours sugar, fried chestnut, chestnut dumplings, water cannon, shoe covers. Raincoats, bamboo and so on. I think this is like a coral bead-like Fearless chestnut dumplings very creative.

The little girl cried: "Uncle Uncle recollection of childhood under the bar to buy a gun! "I stopped and said: "I am a man out of the ah, ah not to play with. "The little girl continued: "Then buy some shoes it, drifting is not wet when you put the foot, with some home, a non-guests to take off your shoes. " My shoes are waterproof it! I said. Hot pursuit of the little girl said: China Tour "Then buy some salt, eggs, fried earth it, the beginning of summer, you gotta buy some now! " Yes the beginning of summer, well a profit mouth, grow up big business certainly is a block material. Time this scenery from my childhood memories: childhood; the beginning of summer day in the morning, first thing is to cook up the eggs and salted eggs into colorful bag, and then to the school to participate in the so-called "Egg King Competition. "Ten minutes between classes students have picked up their eggs brought by the collision, to see who can beat the eggs firm to the last, to stick to the end of the egg is the "egg king"of the.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Touring China

The reason is because in Shanghai, what related to Shanghai to be a comparison, in fact, every city has the style of each city. Guangzhou, the road is not very spacious, but the car speed traffic as much as Shanghai, is also a rare traffic jam during peak hours. Is always moving forward quickly degrees. A china tours closer look, few traffic lights along the way, there are very few in the main road across the road, or overpass. This is not help think, on both sides of the road, communication is not a problem, and to cross the road, there is only on the bridge, and the way the bridge is not a lot. According to the information survey, Guangzhou people's walking speed is the fastest, is not due to this reason, do not know. But anyway, the car's speed is greatly increased. A closer look, there are few road bikes. Either pedestrians or public transit vehicles, motorcycles are banned in Guangzhou.

Fortunate enough to play the beautiful Pearl River, to experience the beauty of Guangzhou. Night shadow of the Pearl River, water was on both sides of sparkling lights illuminate. china tour Cross-strait neon tower, rhythmic flashing colorful, like specially put stranger moves to meet with us. Pearl narrow, like neon lights on both sides of your fingertips. How many bridges on the river I have not counted, only that a boat passing by every few minutes, and each bridge lighting and design are not the same, giving the feeling into the maze ... ... just want to say, very beautiful Beautiful. For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Beijing Tours

 Did not come before, that Guangzhou is a very spectacular - high-rise buildings, colorful neon lights, car flashed its own. After actually see (at the time not how the development of Tianhe), paramour. Not only are many shabby old town, the cyclists grab each other with the open road the car. China Tours Well high-rise buildings, also in the Central City area is still relatively decent. Health does not like. A to Sunday, crowds of people feel suffocated. Such a place for me this Lengtou Qing, somewhat disappointed.

But slowly, I still like Guangzhou. Here I am familiar with the accent and culture, and also have my favorite things. A variety of free art exhibitions and film festivals China Tours  are very cheap tickets for my appetite. Every family can watch Hong Kong television programs to tell the truth these people envy. Wonton noodles, beef brisket powder, carrot snack stew offal, etc. I often linger on the street food stalls. In Guangzhou, from 5 am , you can find a place to graze. In the country, I am afraid this can be done only a little of Guangdong. I really appreciate the culture of tea in Guangzhou, chicken feet, pig feet, pig red, rice rolls, shrimp dumplings are my favorite. However, poor students often can not eat. So I had a good discussion with classmates, save enough money to cool again. We specifically chose a Friday to avoid the weekend crowd. 6:30 am and went to the restaurant. Unexpectedly, China Tour when we arrived, found it already full of people, Arranging are routed to dozens of number. The popular tea can be seen in Guangzhou.For more information, please click to http://onlinechinatourschina678.blogspot.com/


china guangzhou tour

China tour of Guangzhou weather is nice now, neither hot nor cold, nor as humid as legendary, it is estimated that the spring not over.

ANYWAY, look forward to in my life the first china tours warm winter ~ ~Guangzhou restaurant has more than one grade than Wuhan Gui, Ling-Lang although everything everywhere, but certainly eat a lot of moonlight, alert alert!

Guangzhou taste generally subdued, before the flavors do not feel heavy, and now eat steamed rice, they also have entered,and pour yourself a soy saucelegendary Tianhe City is unworthy of the name, the space too crowded, stores are still not many,perhaps as a SHOPPING MALL good, but the atmosphere china tours did not feel MALL, discounts are not many.

Bright light and easy to miss group discount ocean storms and more! 5557. Guangzhou Public Security in fact is also OK, I have so far not been stolen or robbed, the newspaper two days ago saw the Guangzhou Railway Station in recognition of N consecutive days china tours of zero crime rate (too fake, do not believe!) and China tours measures Guangzhou, the status of old people have a high seat wherever people are, and also saw a sudden jump very fragile

old BH the scolded the car smoking middle-aged man yelled the man dare not speak , like. Know more about it, please click: http://onlinechinatourschina678.blogspot.com/


The Most Busy Shopping Street in Shanghai

The Busy Nanjing Road
Shanghai Nanjing East Road is a famous shopping street, and shanghai tour packages offering a dizzying array of goods. There are over 600 shops offering almost anything you may want to buy. Stretching over three miles starting at Shanghai’s Center, this shopping street is not only just a shopping street in Shanghai, but also an area for locals and visitors to enjoy the culture of modern Shanghai.

Today, china shanghai travel Nanjing Road is a must-see destination attracting large numbers of visitors from home and abroad.

Except for Nanjing road, there is a distinct shopping area-Curio Street at Dongtai Road .It  is the antique hunter's mecca. More information and news, please click: http://onlinechinatourschina678.blogspot.com/
Nanjing Road in Rain