
Travel China: Xiangshan Tour

August 16-17, Xiangshan County, the county tourism authorities set up two travel bureaus, 10 Salesroom for a two-day special inspection. Regulate business activities of the branch, strengthen supervision and inspection, is to maintain good order in the tourism market an important means to improve the quality of the tourism industry is important.
The inspection focused travel agency branches around the "business license", "registration certificate", "commission to attract power of attorney", "the agency to attract business registration certificate" and "principal-agent contract" are complete, tourist promotional materials, Tour price is standard, with or without range management and tourism contract situation. It also includes business services, workplace environment, the reception staff image and so on.
Inspection process, will contain, zero or negative fare cheap travel agency to reverse the mode of operation, to strengthen supervision and inspection of tourism advertising and illegal enterprises, personnel punished. Beyond the scope of business activities to crack down on failure to record the travel time required for branches to punish banned. Stop the induction, coercion or coercion consumption, concentrate against breach of contract and damage rights and interests of tourists. The examination found no travel bureaus, service outlets are in clear violation of relevant laws and regulations of the act.
Finally, a clear emphasis on the county branches of the travel agencies to strictly implement the travel regulations, adhere to the law honest business, to limit the rectification of problems, gradually standardized. To strengthen the branch management, in accordance with the "four unity" requirements to regulate travel agents offices operations management, including the establishment of the "four unity" system, that branch according to personnel, finance, attract, reception unity; service network according to management, finance, attract and consulting unity. Meanwhile, the standard store signs, flyers, business cards and travel on the name of the signing of the contract, and consciously safeguard the tourism market order, and gradually improve quality of tourism services.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: China Fishing Day Tour

The 14th China Fishing Festival will be held September 8 to 22 at 2011 economic summit in China National Offshore Fishing Festival as the most important of the main activities will be held September 15-16 at the Shipu held.

August 12 afternoon, the 14th China Fishing Festival and the 2011 Summit Organizing Committee of China's marine economy plenary session, Xiangshan County deputy secretary of the county Ye Jianming said, to seize the Zhejiang Ocean up to the national strategy of economic benefit opportunity to focus on "implementation of the maritime strategy, create a blue civilization" theme, this section will show the Xiangshan Peninsula accomplishing a charm style and marine features, Xiangshan people's good spirit and hospitality and cultural characteristics of the event.
Briefed the meeting on the 14th China Fishing Festival and the 2011 summit, China's marine economy overall program of activities and preliminary preparatory work. By then, the Fishing Festival also arranged for the young sea-protection actions, Xiangshan • Taitung exchanges and cooperation forums, cultural performances and other people nearly 20 of the main and supporting activities. Currently, the Fishing Festival and Summit, the basic framework to determine the overall activities, the preparatory work is solid and orderly manner.
Fishing Festival held in China will help improve the visibility of Xiangshan, promote open development and promote the folk culture, cohesion development efforts. Held for 13 sessions of China Xiangshan Fishing Festival has become a beautiful business card, people's festival. 2011 China Marine China Marine Economic Summit is the first major economic investment conference activities, is to demonstrate the economic development of Zhejiang Ocean demonstration area of ​​achievement, innovation and culture of marine science and education system, promote the development of marine economy across an important platform.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Thousands Islets Lake Promotes in Internet

It is understood that this revision, from the columns, content, function and mode of operation and other aspects of innovation, from the tourist attractions web site to the successful transformation of tourist destinations. With travel demand, the new self-drive self-service, business meetings and other one part, add a personal trip circuit design capabilities, highlighting Lake leisure, car riding and other aspects of the rich tourism resources.

The next stage of goal, the website will focus for the integration of tourism resources and the improvement of e-commerce functionality to achieve scenic spots, hotels, restaurants, lines, music and other farm products online booking, online payment and SMS alerts to support, to meet different tourists needs. Lake tourism guide tourism enterprises rely on sub-network platform construction sites, timely release of new trends, new products, new activities, the formation of healthy competition among enterprises, promote the tourism business e-commerce process. Meanwhile, start the phone WAP site-building, research APP application development, speed up to create a set of traditional Internet and mobile Internet in one, covering the Zhejiang-Jiangxi and Anhui famous scenic spots around the base of the pan-destination site.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Thousands Islets Fashion Tour

Recently, Chun off the main park-cum-Fair Festival Silk Silk Festival officially released ten leisure experience, recommended routes.According to the Leisure Expo Park-cum-Chun Silk Festival main responsible person, ten lines are recommended, "Lake is about, meet with the stars" tour, with the water kissing leisure travelers, "the most beautiful Lake River bride "tour candidates, Lake hot air balloon sightseeing tour, Lake Tour organic fish culture experience, economic and cultural enjoying Silk Festival tour, Festival Silk images photography tours, study tours Lake international Conference and Exhibition, Lake Square Music carnival Tour, Central Lake bike riding trip. New Line released the top ten leisure experience, and this corresponds to a section of the ten festivals Silk.
Among them, the "most beautiful bride Lake River" tour and water candidates kiss leisure trip in addition to experience, there is a chance to win prizes, especially applied to join the "Lake River's most beautiful bride", a chance to get luxury wedding photography package, five-star hotel rooms, travel tickets, etc. Lake, the final grand prize winner can be iPhone4, iPad2 fashionable digital products. And as Lake air balloon sightseeing tour is based on the Lake for the first time organized by the International Balloon Fiesta, which is a major international air sports event, the top international and domestic flight hot air balloon pilots master the same stage, the opening air show , star parachute performance, flight course race, the public experience of flight, air romantic wedding, hot air balloon lights sHOW and so on.
In addition, the image on the Silk Festival photography trip photography enthusiasts, but also a rare opportunity for folk songs, reflect the Organizing Committee Secretariat will collect Silk Festival of photography, and focus on selection and display. At the same time, October to November, Lake Square Music Festival will be re-launched, every Friday and Saturday nights, visitors and residents in the lake, feel free rock, folk, pop music, audio-visual experience brings.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Yunnan Promotes Tourism in Italy

August 1, Yunnan Provincial Tourism Bureau and the Italian "CINA" magazine co-published album started Yunnan Tourism OTC sales in Italy to Italian Colorful Yunnan has opened a mystery. 100 pages of the album, describes the full range of rich tourism resources of Yunnan and related information, Yunnan travel first full show in the Western developed countries, the professional media.

According to the publishers introduction, the magazine published in the album before the advertising, booking required number of letters from readers, with good results. Magazine was published, to the Chinese embassy in Italy, China Tourism Office in Rome, Italy, Italy and other Chinese institutions, and some well-known hotels, tourist information center presented the album, very popular. Currently, publishers are working with the Italian airline Air China and consultation intends to magazines devoted to flight from China and Italy, for reference by the passengers to read. In another, the album also led to the publication never been to the publishers of Yunnan Yunnan tourism interest, they will send delegations to participate in October 2011 held in Kunming, Yunnan China International Tourism Fair and tourism resources for field trips .For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: 2011 Hefei Safe Tours

Into May, the nation's more than tourism spate of security incidents, yesterday, Hefei Hefei Tourism Emergency major tourism enterprises forwarded to the National Tourism Administration "on the summer tour to further strengthen security work of the emergency notice" of travel, scenic and star, respectively, the different requirements.
Among them, the Hefei travel requires timely to remind all visitors to purchase travel accident insurance; avoid lightning, heavy rain, flash floods and other inclement weather, group travel; tourist vehicles must sign a "contract travel agency travel team car", the vehicle must pass annual examination, testing qualified and meet the safety requirements, must have a valid operating license qualification and tourist routes, the driver must have the appropriate qualifications for posts.

Area, the requirements of purple mt, Daishan Lake and other tourist attractions in the storms, stop tourists travel. Boats, water and other water-related recreational activities to do tourists travel safety tips and education; be equipped with adequate lifesaving equipment and rescue personnel; to strengthen the inspection and maintenance of area facilities, emphasis on training of practitioners and emergency drills.

Requirements of any inspection of fire-star hotel fire hazards, the ability to master the fighting since the beginning of the fire escape and evacuation of personnel the ability to ensure that complete fire facilities, fire exits unobstructed. At the same time to comply with food hygiene standards, the implementation of food hygiene system, strict customs of raw materials, disinfection, and customs "with the mouth closed" to ensure that guests stay healthy.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


China Tours: Ningbo Children's Tour

The second province, Ningbo's first children's museum and the workplace - Temple castle soft opening, planned for this August 6 test run.

Temple castle located in the national 4A grade tourism area Yinzhou Temple Manor, an area of ​​10,000 square meters, total investment of 80 million, can accommodate 1,500 people play. There are more than 50 museum and there are firefighters, nurses, police officers, models, doctors, television anchors, photographers and bakers and other 70 kinds of professional experience for the children they work through the experience to earn a reward, with access to compensation in the museum and shopping, entertainment, etc., is to experience joy in life, the accumulation of life experiences, entertaining and "Kids."
Children's professional experience, business models originated in Scandinavia, in a subject in school education began in 2007 the rise in China's mainland.

It is understood that the Tanabata festival, a traditional festival as Dongtou, tradition has lasted for 300 years, has never stopped between the impact is very wide. In 2009, Dongtou the Tanabata festival also included in the adult non-material cultural heritage, Zhejiang Province.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Hefei Welcomes Hong Kong Visitors

Yesterday afternoon, the leader of the Taiwan Tourism Association 52 Taiwanese travel agencies and more than a dozen on Hong Kong travel agency personnel, traveling on Hong Kong Express Airways in Hong Kong - the maiden voyage of the aircraft arrived in Hefei, Hefei. Last night, reporters from Hefei Tourism Bureau was informed at a reception at the reception, under the agreement, the Hong Kong and Taiwan will organize a traveling salesman more than 200 weekly visitors to Hong Kong and Taiwan participated in Hefei, Huangshan 5-Day Tour.

It is understood that the fat of the Hong Kong and Taiwan to travel professionals and travel together in Anhui and Hong Kong Express Airways has signed an agreement, from next Wednesday onwards, every Wednesday and Sunday in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Express Airways to fly to Hefei the flight over Hong Kong and Taiwan tourists to participate in the organization Hefei Huangshan 5-Day Tour.

"Generally speaking, if each flight to 80 guests plus the 50 Hong Kong, Taiwan visitors a week two flights, this means that Hong Kong Express Airlines to open flights from Hong Kong to Hefei in Hefei will bring 200 per week tourists than Hong Kong and Taiwan, they at least one night in Hefei, Hefei to be active in the tourism market access. "Municipal Bureau of Tourism market Development Department is responsible for the case to the reporter introduced.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour


Ningbo Shopping Festival....

29. Juli abends, Ningbo Tianyi Square, einer tollen und stilvollen Ozean. Ningbo Shopping Festival im Jahr 2011 alle freuen uns auf die spannende Öffnung.

"Oriental Handelshafen, der weltweit Trend der Konvergenz" als Thema Ningbo Shopping Festival ist die größte Stadt Ningbo, dem größten Bereich, mit dem größten Einkaufs-, Freizeit-, Lebensmittel-und Tourismus-Ereignis. Mit der Shopping-Umgebung der kontinuierlichen Verbesserung und die Einführung von bekannten Marken, für fünf Ningbo Shopping Festival stattgefunden haben, haben einen größeren Einfluss nach und nach eine umfassende städtische Verbraucher einer Marke, ein Strahlung Kraft, um die regionale Kultur zu verbessern und zu pflegen neues Wirtschaftswachstum Punkt in der Stadt gebildet .
10-Tage-Shopping-Festival in "brand führen das Leben", "life-changing Weisheit", "Kultur ist im Leben verwurzelt" und ist eingeteilt "Verbesserung der Verbraucherinformation Leben", die vier Themen-Serie, mehr als 50 Einzelveranstaltungen werden nacheinander angezeigt werden. Ningbo kommende Fashion Week, Frankreich das zweitgrößte Einkaufszentrum Höhepunkte des Festivals war, zusätzlich zu Vor-Ort-Essen und Weinprobe in Frankreich, kann die Öffentlichkeit auch im Französisch Tourismus, Bildung, kulturelle Vorträge, einen genaueren Blick auf die Französisch romantischen Stil zu beteiligen.
Zur Erhöhung der Beteiligung der Bewohner und Besucher, dieses Shopping-Bereich setzt auch die einflussreichsten Marken-Award, mit dem Gold Award, Creative Award Atmosphäre dekoriert drei Auszeichnungen, die Öffentlichkeit durch Zeitungen, Internet, SMS, etc. zu wählen.For more information, please shift to Best China Tour