
A Splendid Day in Hong Kong Disney

Disney's program is quite distinctive, hard to understand. Such as Space Mountain, friends said there are 360 ​​high-speed rotation, I was somewhat afraid, but not in a small shown in front of friends, so arranged relatively empty stomach, when to play, and will tell their children that yell a lot of fun. Fortunately, the two children are rushing to take a front row captain, I can, and Mr. sit together and feel a lot safer. Voyage began, I can not wait for the great general crazy roller coaster roaring noise, and no unexpected ups and downs, replaced by a smooth rotation, plus the back realistic view is the vast sky, the sun burning, etc. to forget the dizzy, to help with park photos as evidence. Children like a captain commanding, like a calm.

A lament with the surprise appearance. (Park to snap a photo every spacecraft are, 90-120 City Tour Hong Kong dollars one. Grassland friends can take their own camera remake)
The game is full of many other technology and culture, coupled with superior service quality (those who are old can play, as well as special care), people can not help went to line up
Disney spent a long time, it is necessary to replenish their energy. Disney, there are eight restaurants, all kinds of flavor and a la carte Chinese and Western fast food has. We chose the royal banquet hall, a spacious chef style performances, air conditioning, benches to meet the needs of children nap (but we are very excited, simply forgot to take a nap). Fast food varieties selected mushrooms chicken steamed rice, soup, rice is pretty fresh vegetables, even made a mellow jasmine tea bag, the price is 40HK $, than the price of your local fast food in Hong Kong is not much.

For more information, please shift to Best China Tour.